Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior
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IUS EG – Experiencias universitarias...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – Durante el segundo día del VI Seminario Internacional y Plenaria IUS Education Group, la MSc. Vanildes Gonçalves dos Santos perteneciente a la institución, Universidade Católica de Brasília, inició las conferencias con la…

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Inauguración del VI Seminario Internacional y Plenaria IUS Education Group

IUS EG – Se inaugura...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – En la Sede Quito de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador se inauguró el 26 de abril el VI Seminario Internacional y Plenaria IUS Education Group, con la participación de autoridades, docentes…

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María Sol Villagómez, General Coordinator of the IUS Education Group

VIII Assembly Day 4 –...

  (IUS – Rome) – On January 27, the Fourth day, Fr. Oscar Lozano began and directed the session with members of the assembly to discuss, review, and vote on the draft of the two important documents “Policies…

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Afrique – Fin du Séminaire...

  (Institut Supérieur Don Bosco, Lome) – Commencé le 11 Octobre dernier le séminaire de formation des enseignants des IUS d’Afrique a pris fin ce mercredi 13 Octobre 2021 avec une prière de clôture précédée de l’allocution du…

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Challenges for Salesian Education: Experiences...

    The book “Challenges for Salesian Education: Experiences and Reflections from IUS” was presented by the  IUS Education Group, which is made up of professionals from the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS). The book was published…

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