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Dr Kunkalikar delivering his talk on nano biotechnology at UAS Dharwad

Dr Kunkalikar delivering his talk on nano biotechnology at UAS Dharwad


(Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – The Don Bosco College of Agriculture Sulcorna, Principal, Dr Suresh Kunkalikar, was invited to deliver a talk on, NanoBiotechnology – A Way Forward to Manage Plant Viruses and Diseases at the capacity building ten days training program organized for teaching staff of different agricultural colleges and universities from India by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, Government of India in association with the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka on March 12, 2022.


Dr Kunkalikar provided information on the need for nanotechnology and biotechnology for the management of virus and other diseases in the field of medicine and agriculture, the economic importance of plant viruses and diseases, nanoparticles and their use as protectants from viruses, carriers of dsRNA for RNAi gene silencing of viruses and their vectors responsible for transmitting the viruses.


Dr Kunkalikar later was honoured as the chief guest of the valedictory program that was presided over by the honourable Vice-Chancellor of the university Dr M B Chetti in the presence of Dr P L Patil, director of research, Dr Yashoda Hegde, head of department of plant pathology, and the Course Director, Dr Gurudatt Hegde.


Scientists from over 25 agriculture universities were honoured with certificates and memento on the occasion.


Source: Salesians of Don Bosco, Province of Panjim, Goa