Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior
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The Network of Salesian Institutions...

  On Wednesday, May 20, the first online discussion  entitled “Health crisis, indigenous people and immigrants: fighting racism and inequality from within the University” was held. RIUSI which initiated 2019, brings together three Salesian Institutions in combined work:…

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Ecuador – Students of the...

  Hope, sadness, concern, uncertainty are feelings shared by the 47 intercultural students of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS) who would have been sharing laughter, books, and notes, if the COVID – 19 health emergency had not occurred.…

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Índia – Os Salesianos de...

Os Salesianos da Inspetoria de Shillong (INS) estão empenhadas em ajudar as pessoas mais necessitadas e vulneráveis de cidades e vilas nos estados de Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura e zonas de Assam (Silchar), na região nordeste da Índia. Embora…

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El Salvador – De uma...

  ma ação iniciada como brincadeira acabou se tornando um precioso gesto de amor e solidariedade. Tudo começou quando, neste período de isolamento, Jeaders Guardado, um estudante de design da “Universidade Dom Bosco” (UDB), lançou um desafio lúdico…

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Challenges for Salesian Education: Experiences...

    The book “Challenges for Salesian Education: Experiences and Reflections from IUS” was presented by the  IUS Education Group, which is made up of professionals from the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS). The book was published…

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Ecuador – UPS, medics and...

  In the face of the global health emergency that has paralyzed the country due to the infection of more than 1,403 people, the Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador (UPS) took the initiative of students and teachers, along…

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Brasil – A “Quarentena Solidária”...

  O curso de medicina da Universidade Salesiana “UniSalesiano”, em Araçatuba, lançou a campanha “Quarentena de solidariedade – cada um é responsável por todos”, que visa arrecadar alimentos e produtos básicos de higiene para doar a 150 famílias…

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Not the average freight fowarder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur placerat eu lacus in facilisis. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet eros. Quisque condimentum eros at tortor hendrerit, non consectetur metus malesuada. Nam blandit nisl nisl. Nullam et leo ipsum. Etiam…

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