Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior
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Ecuador – Con más de...

    (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – En la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) del Ecuador se inauguró el IV Congreso de Educación Salesiana: desafíos juveniles para una transformación social con el acto inaugural que fue transmitido en vivo…

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Youth clubs of Don Bosco Technical College Cebu,  perform online activities.

Philippines – Youth Groups and...

  (Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu) -Clubs are a staple in Bosconian culture. Bosconians naturally bond with one another even during the pandemic. Quarantined though at home, we continue our youth groups online to keep Don Bosco’s dream…

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Professors and students of The Biomedicine Career of UniSALESIANO, are conducting free testing in the adult population of Araçatuba to detect Hepatitis C, Brasil

Brasil – Biomedicina do UniSALESIANO...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – O Curso de Biomedicina do UniSALESIANO, por meio de docentes e alunos, está realizando testagem gratuita na população adulta de Araçatuba para detecção da Hepatite C, doença silenciosa que só apresenta sintomas quando avançada.…

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the team of the Dicastery for Youth Ministry

Dicasterio de Pastoral Juvenil inicia...

  Con la celebración de una Eucaristía en la histórica habitación de Don Bosco que se encuentra junto a la Basílica del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Roma, el equipo del Dicasterio para la Pastoral Juvenil ha dado…

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IV Salesian Education Online Conference held by the

IV Congreso de Educación Salesiana

  La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana invita a la comunidad universitaria y académica al IV Congreso de Educación Salesiana: Desafíos juveniles para una transformación social, mismo que se desarrollará del 17 al 19 de noviembre de 2020 bajo la…

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The Network of Salesian Institutions...

  On Wednesday, May 20, the first online discussion  entitled “Health crisis, indigenous people and immigrants: fighting racism and inequality from within the University” was held. RIUSI which initiated 2019, brings together three Salesian Institutions in combined work:…

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