Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior
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Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Chennai , organised its first ever mega Intercollegiate Cultural Fest, JIVE’23

India – Don Bosco Arts...

  (Don Bosco Arts & Science College, Chennai) – The Student Council and Cultural Club of Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Chennai , organized its first ever mega Intercollegiate Cultural Fest, JIVE’23, on March 13 and 14…

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Celebrando unidos 25 años de fundación de la Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia

Bolivia – Celebrando unidos 25...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – La Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia celebra sus 25 años en una gran fiesta de integración, alegría y confraternidad junto al Consejo Inspectorial, las máximas autoridades, los administrativos, el personal de…

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National Conference on Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business and Society

National Level Conference on Impact...

  (Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills) – Don Bosco College Yelagiri Hills is a minority institution, managed by the Salesians of Don Bosco, Chennai Province and affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Serkkadu, Vellore. It was a heavenly intervention that…

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II Encuentro Inspectorial de Plurilingüismo de Salesianas España, Escuelas Salesianas María Auxiliadora - Nervión

España – II Encuentro Inspectorial...

  (Centro de Estudios Superiores Don Bosco, Madrid) – Tras una pandemia, un confinamiento e infinidad de reuniones y encuentros online… al fin, el pasado viernes 3 de marzo, se celebró en Madrid el esperado II Encuentro presencial…

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Inauguration and Blessing of Don Bosco College Bengaluru, India

India – Inauguration and Blessing...

  (Don Bosco College Bengaluru, Karnataka) – The inauguration of Don Bosco College, TC Palya, Bengaluru on 9th March, 2023 was a much-awaited historic moment that was graced by the presence of Rev. Fr. Miguel Angel (General Councillor…

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LA Universidad Mesoamericana, Guatemala (UMES) realiza la sexta edición de la carrera 5k en honor a Don Bosco

LA #UMES realiza la sexta...

  (Universidad Mesoamericana, Guatemala) – El 10 de marzo de 2023, La Universidad Mesoamericana realizo la sexta edición de la carrera 5k en honor a Don Bosco. Los corredores y corredoras demostraron una gran determinación y pasión mientras…

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Progetto di ricerca Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma: Giovani, affetti e identità

Italia – UPS Roma Progetto...

  (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma) – Il Progetto di ricerca “Giovani, affetti, identità” dalla Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma  nasce dalla consapevolezza che i profondi cambiamenti della cultura affettiva che sono in atto nel mondo occidentale stanno avendo una…

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La comunicación con los periodistas como ayuda a la gestión de la información, Comunicación en la Familia Salesiana

A Comunicação com os jornalistas...

  (ANS – Roma) – Continua a publicação da série de artigos ideados e realizados pelo P. Maciej Makuła SDB, da Equipe do Setor de Comunicação Social (CS), os quais tratam do tema da CS na Família Salesiana (FS).…

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Publication of "A YOUTH MINISTRY THAT EDUCATES TO LOVE", Salesian Youth Ministry Sector

Publicação de “UMA PASTORAL JUVENIL...

  (ANS – Rome) – Depois de dois anos de escuta, síntese e reflexão, o Setor para a Pastoral Juvenil (PJ) publicou, em seis línguas, o texto “UMA PASTORAL JUVENIL QUE EDUCA PARA O AMOR”.   O P. Miguel…

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Music, flowers, and joy dazzle the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) during International Women's Day

Music, flowers, and joy dazzle...

  (IUS) – On March 8th the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) celebrated International Women’s Day with all the #women around the world, especially the #Salesian Women who play an important role in our institutions in their mission to help #inspire and #educate “good Christians…

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