Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Los alumnos de la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarriàm (EUSS) Emma Gómez y Pau Marset han pasado por los micrófonos de Radio Sant Boi antes de embarcarse en la aventura del UniRaid Marruecos 2025 . En el Espacio de la Ciencia, del programa 'La República Santboiana', los dos alumnos han hablado de los objetivos del rally y cómo se han preparado para participar.

Spain – EUSS Team members...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – Emma Gómez and Pau Marset, students from the Salesian University School of Sarrià (EUSS), recently spoke on Radio Sant Boi before embarking on their adventure at UniRaid Marruecos 2025. Appearing…

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The institution, Don Bosco College Golaghat commenced its College Week 2025 with a spirited inaugural ceremony on February 3, featuring a blend of academic celebration, cultural performances, and motivational discourses. The event, graced by Shri Atul Bora, Honourable Cabinet Minister of Assam, witnessed a remarkable display of student discipline and institutional pride. Minister Bora received the Guard of Honour, hoisted the college flag, and delivered an inspiring address.

India – Journey of Learning,...

  (Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam) – The institution, Don Bosco College Golaghat commenced its College Week 2025 with a spirited inaugural ceremony on February 3, featuring a blend of academic celebration, cultural performances, and motivational discourses. The…

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O UniSALESIANO realizou a reunião plenária, no dia 1º de fevereiro, encerrando, oficialmente, a Semana Pedagógica de 2025. O evento, ocorrido no câmpus de Lins, reuniu professores, coordenadores, gestores acadêmicos e representantes acadêmicos dos cursos para formação, planejamento e comemoração.

Brasil – UniSALESIANO encerra Semana...

  (UniSALESIANO, Lins) – O UniSALESIANO realizou a reunião plenária, no dia 1º de fevereiro, encerrando, oficialmente, a Semana Pedagógica de 2025. O evento, ocorrido no câmpus de Lins, reuniu professores, coordenadores, gestores acadêmicos e representantes acadêmicos dos…

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IUS Board Meeting I 2025 (Online) Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS)

First IUS Board Meeting I...

  Event Overview The first IUS Board Meeting of 2025 is a gathering where Regional Coordinators of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) will review the implementation of the common program for the session and plan the…

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National Seminar on “Educational and Skill Development”, organized by Department of Social Work, Don Bosco College (Autonomous), MAram on 27th and 28th March 2025. The seminar aims to explore Pathways for Children and Youth Empowerment bringing together academicians, researchers, and professionals to share insights and perspectives.

National Seminar on “Educational and...

  Dear Professors and Colleagues, We are pleased to invite papers for our upcoming National Seminar on “Educational and Skill Development”, organized by Department of Social Work, Don Bosco College (Autonomous), MAram on 27th and 28th March 2025.…

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Le 31 janvier dernier, à l’occasion de la fête de Saint Jean Bosco, l’Institut Supérieur Don Bosco (ISDB) a marqué un tournant majeur dans son engagement en faveur de l’excellence académique et professionnelle. En marge des festivités, une convention de partenariat a été officiellement signée entre TV2 – Télévision Deuxième et l’ISDB, renforçant ainsi les liens entre le monde universitaire et le secteur des médias.

Togo – The Institut Supérieur...

  (Institut Supérieur Don Bosco, Togo) – On January 31, in celebration of the feast of Saint John Bosco, the Institut Supérieur Don Bosco (ISDB) marked a significant milestone in its commitment to academic and professional excellence. Alongside…

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Jubilee of the Educational World: The Constellation of Hope o be held in Rome from October 27 to November 2, 2025 that will be dedicated to schools and universities, including ecclesiastical faculties

Jubilee of the Educational World:...

We are pleased to announce that the Dicastery for Culture and Education is overseeing the preparation of the Jubilee of the Educational World, to be held in Rome from October 27 to November 2, 2025. The entire week…

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The Institution, Don Bosco College of Engineering in Fatorda, Goa, has been recognized for its significant contributions to youth engagement in water-related initiatives. The college received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Indian Water Works Association (IWWA) at their 57th Annual Convention held in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, in 2025.

India – Don Bosco College...

  (Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – The Institution, Don Bosco College of Engineering in Fatorda, Goa, has been recognized for its significant contributions to youth engagement in water-related initiatives. The college received a Certificate of Appreciation…

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El campus El Girón de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS), sede central de Quito, presentó la exposición fotográfica Como Don Bosco: Misioneros de Esperanza, un evento que resalta el trabajo educativo, social y evangelizador realizado por los salesianos en el país desde su llegada en 1888. La exposición fue inaugurada por monseñor Andrés Carrascosa, nuncio apostólico en Ecuador; padre Marcelo Farfán, inspector de los salesianos en Ecuador; la doctora María Sol Villagómez, vicerrectora del campus de Quito; padre Marcelo Coronel, director de la pastoral universitaria de la UPS; Angélica Almeida, delegada del Archivo Histórico de los salesianos en Ecuador; y Nataly Orbe, directora del Museo Abya-Yala

Ecuador – The Salesian Polytechnic...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador) – The El Girón campus of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS), headquarters in Quito, presented the photographic exhibition ‘Like Don Bosco: Missionaries of Hope’, an event highlighting the educational, social and evangelising work…

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Convocatoria para el Congreso Misionero Salesiano Americano “Entrelazando Caminos” a realizarse en Buenos Aires, Argentina del 19 al 22 de mayo de 2025.

Convocatoria para el Congreso Misionero...

  La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) convoca a todas las personas vinculadas con las obras salesianas del Ecuador, a presentar sus trabajos de investigación y posters académicos para ser presentados en el Congreso Misionero Salesiano Americano “Entrelazando Caminos”…

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