Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior
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India - Don Bosco University Begins Spring 2022 On Campus

India – Assam Don Bosco...

  (Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati) – After two years of online classes and exams, the Don Bosco University campuses today were filled with students beaming with hope and enthusiasm as the campuses opened for on-campus classes.  …

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Jabok Institute response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

Czech Republic – Jabok Institute...

  (Jabok Institute, Praga) – Since the beginning of March, at the Jabok Institute of Social Pedagogy and Theology conversations were held among the academic community on the turbulent days between Ukraine and Russia which led the institute…

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Don Bosco College, Panjim Enlightened On HIV And Issues Related To Women’s Health

India – Don Bosco College,...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) – To mark the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Women Cell of Don Bosco College, Panjim in collaboration with the Red Ribbon Club organised a session on ‘HIV and Women Related Health…

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Dr Kunkalikar delivering his talk on nano biotechnology at UAS Dharwad

India – DBCA Principal delivers...

  (Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – The Don Bosco College of Agriculture Sulcorna, Principal, Dr Suresh Kunkalikar, was invited to deliver a talk on, NanoBiotechnology – A Way Forward to Manage Plant Viruses and Diseases at…

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Salesian Polytechnic College awarded at National Design Competition "Dezacon" 2021

Japan – Salesian Polytechnic College...

  (Salesian Polytechnic, Machida Tokyo) – On December 4, 2021, the “National College of Technology Design Competition  2021 in Kure” was held in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. Students from Salesian Polytechnic College of Technology, participated in four categories in…

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Salesian College Siliguri Women's Cell celebrated International Women's Day, honouring, Srimati Indira Maya Chhetri.

India – Salesian College Honours...

  (Salesian College Sonada, Kolkata) – Salesian College Siliguri Women’s Cell celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8, honouring one of the women centenarians of Siliguri, Srimati Indira Maya Chhetri.   Centenarian Chhetri, accompanied by her granddaughter, Manisha…

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the letter of the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime for the war in Ukraine

RMG – A guerra e...

  (ANS – Rome) – “Nestes dias sofremos certamente pela dor de milhares de pessoas. São tantas as imagens de sofrimento e morte que percorrem todo o mundo”. O Reitor-Mor, P. Ángel Fernández Artime, confia a mais uma carta…

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Salesian Global support for Ukrainian refugees continues unabated

RMG – O apoio global...

  (ANS – Roma) – O Ecônomo Geral da Congregação Salesiana, Sr. Jean Paul Muller SDB, e o Responsável pela Coordenação Salesiana para a resposta de emergência à guerra na Ucrânia, P. George Menamparampil, chegaram ontem, dia 9…

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Don Bosco College Panjim Unveils its Revamped ‘Boskon Studio’

India – Don Bosco College...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) – The institution, Don Bosco College (DBC) Panjim, held an inaugural ceremony for the newly renovated ‘Boskon Studio’ in the presence of Fr Biju Michael, Regional Councillor for South Asia, and Fr Joaquim…

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El Centro Universitario Don Bosco, la Escuela Profesional Don Bosco y el colegio Escuelas Santísimo Sacramento se unen en solidaridad de Ucrania

España – El CES Don...

  (Centro de Estudios Superiores Don Bosco, Madrid) – El Centro Universitario Don Bosco, la Escuela Profesional Don Bosco y el colegio Escuelas Santísimo Sacramento nos solidarizamos con el dolor de la Familia Salesiana de Ucrania y con…

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