Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior
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on Bosco College Byndihati concluded a spiritually enriching two-day retreat held on 22 and 23 March. The retreat provided an opportunity for reflection and renewal. Over 300 Catholic students participated in the retreat, fostering personal growth and spiritual development. They demonstrated a strong commitment to their faith and a desire for deeper spiritual connection.

India – DBC Byndihati Students...

  (Don Bosco College Byndihati, Meghalay) – The institution Don Bosco College Byndihati concluded a spiritually enriching two-day retreat held on 22 and 23 March. The retreat provided an opportunity for reflection and renewal. Over 300 Catholic students…

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La Carrera de Psicomotricidad, Salud, Educación y Deportes de la Universidad Salesiana de Boliva, en alianza estratégica con la Fundación La Paz para el Desarrollo y la Participación (FUDEP), realizó con éxito una serie de capacitaciones dirigidas a Estudiantes de 9no y 10mo Semestre sobre Desarrollo Infantil Temprano (DIT) y la aplicación de la Norma de Vigilancia para la valoración de niños y niñas menores de 6 años.

Bolivia – Universidad Salesiana de...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – La Carrera de Psicomotricidad, Salud, Educación y Deportes, en alianza estratégica con la Fundación La Paz para el Desarrollo y la Participación (FUDEP), realizó con éxito una serie de capacitaciones…

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España – La EUSS celebra...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – La Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS) conmemora el Día Internacional de la Mujer con una jornada especial bajo el lema “L’enginyeria DONA salut” (La ingeniería da salud), una iniciativa…

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Don Bosco Institute of Media Arts (DBIMA) presents its 30 student film projects for 2023 and 2024

France – DBIMA Students Showcase...

  (Don Bosco International Media Academy, Paris) – The Don Bosco Institute of Media Arts (DBIMA) continues to foster creativity and excellence in filmmaking, with students producing approximately 30 films each year. As part of this ongoing effort,…

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Cerca de 150 pessoas participaram do 1º Simpósio de Aprimoramento Profissional e Divulgação Científica em Medicina Veterinária, promovido pelo UniSALESIANO no último sábado, dia 22 de fevereiro.

Brasil – Simpósio Veterinário do...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – Cerca de 150 pessoas participaram do 1º Simpósio de Aprimoramento Profissional e Divulgação Científica em Medicina Veterinária, promovido pelo UniSALESIANO no último sábado, dia 22 de fevereiro.   O evento contou com palestras, mesas-redondas…

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Empowering Youth Through Media: Don Bosco Technological Institute Port Moresby, Joins the 2025 Media Education Seminars, under the coordination of Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB, EAO & PGS Social Communications Coordinator

Papua New Guinea – Empowering...

  (Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) – The 2025 Media Education Seminars began with the animators’ formation on 22 February at Cuthbertson House, Downtown, Port Moresby. Under the coordination of Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB, EAO & PGS…

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On January 18th, 2025, the Department of Business Administration (Travel & Tourism) in collaboration with Ecotiva and the Heritage Club organized an enriching field trip titled "Discovering the Treasures of the Past to the Menezes Braganza Pereira House, Rachol Seminary and and cultural heritage places of South Goa

India – DBC Panjim, Explores...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) –  On January 18th, 2025, the Department of Business Administration (Travel & Tourism) in collaboration with Ecotiva and the Heritage Club organized an enriching field trip titled “Discovering the Treasures of the Past.”…

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On January 16, 2025, the School of Technology from Assam Don Bosco University proudly hosted "Udyamotsav 2025," one of only 13 institutions across India selected for this flagship event organized by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to celebrate National Startup Day

India – ADBU holds Udyamotsav...

  (Assam Don Bosco University, Azara) – On January 16, 2025, the School of Technology proudly hosted “Udyamotsav 2025,” one of only 13 institutions across India selected for this flagship event organized by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation…

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Estudiantes, docentes, personal de atención y toda la Comunidad Universitaria de la Universidad Don Bosco celebró con alegra la esperada fiesta de Don Bosco, magno evento que se celebra en todo el mundo cada 31 de enero, recordando al padre y maestro de la juventud, fundador de la congregación salesiana.

El Salvador – Celebran a...

  (Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador) –  Estudiantes, docentes, personal de atención y toda la Comunidad Universitaria de la Universidad Don Bosco celebró con alegra la esperada fiesta de Don Bosco, magno evento que se celebra en todo…

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Il Papa Francesco: l’università sia inclusiva, serve lentezza per comprendere e cambiare inaugurazione dell’anno accademico dell’ateneo palermitano

Vaticano – Papa Francisco: la...

  (Ciudad del Vaticano) – Mensaje del Papa con motivo de la inauguración del año académico de la Universidad de Palermo. A través del estudio, los jóvenes deben sumergirse en la realidad, escribe Francisco, y tener en cuenta…

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