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Gli studenti dell'Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Venezia (IUSVE) e il team social di Cube Radio documentano la visita di Papa Francesco a Verona e l'evento "Arena della Pace".

Gli studenti dell'Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Venezia (IUSVE) e il team social di Cube Radio documentano la visita di Papa Francesco a Verona e l'evento "Arena della Pace".


(Istituto Universitario Salesiano de Venezia, Italia) – Pope Francis’ visit to Verona on 18 May 2024 was relaunched on social media thanks to the contribution of students from the Salesian University Institute of Venice (IUSVE) and reporters from Cube Radio, who delivered a special version of the event’s logo to artists Amadeus and Ligabue, among the protagonists of the “Arena of Peace” segment of the event, broadcast by RAI.


For several months Claudia Rossato, Davide Lonardi, Eleonora Lucrezia Iacoponi, Flor Maria Montan and Matilde Dal Forno supported the digital communication of the five working groups that came together in the “Arena of peace” event. Their work was joined by Matteo Contarin, videomaker, Marica Padoan, photographer, Emma Magnabosco, graphic designer, Elisa Filippini and Giulia Compagnin, specialising in social media management.


They are all part of the “Cube Radio Social Team”, a group coordinated by Aurora Simionato, social media manager of the academic broadcaster, and Luca Salaorni, head of student activities at IUSVE in Verona, able to ensure real-time multichannel communication with the support of Artificial Intelligence.


“For years, the professionals we train have included future social media managers of companies and enterprises” Marco Sanavio, Director of institutional communication of IUSVE and Salesians of Mestre explained.


“For our students, the Pope’s visit on 18 May was an opportunity to try their hand in the field and apply the skills learned and put them at the service of a project that has closely connected them with the territory and society in Scala.”



Source: ANS – “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana”