Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior
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mensaje de condolencias al Padre Juan Pablo Zabala, Rector de la Universidad Salesiana, Bolivia

Bolivia – El Padre Juan...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – “Con tristeza en el corazón, pero al mismo tiempo con la certeza que nuestro Padre Misericordioso lo ha acogido en el cielo, la Comunidad Salesiana en Bolivia comunica que este…

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Sister Anjana Rai from Auxilium Dispensary Mirik addressing the women in the women empowerment, Salesian College Sonada, India.

India – Salesian College’s new...

  (Salesian College Sonada) – In a first-time effort in the hills, an industry-College partnership initiative to empower tea garden women was launched on 21 February 2021.   Salesian College Sonada established in 1938 and the Tea Promoters…

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Collaboration between “Don Bosco College” of Panjim and Goa's Chamber of Commerce & Industry, India

India – Don Bosco Panjim...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) – Don Bosco College Panjim and the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry have signed a memorandum of agreement to implement development programs, along with promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. This will increase the development…

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Interactive Open House Quito 2021

  Our branch campus in Quito invites high school students to our Interactive Open House where students will learn more about the university’s programs, laboratories, libraries, coworking offices, language institute, exchange programs and other benefits of being UPS…

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Luana Pereira da Silva and Mirela Martines do Nascimento, graduates of the Unisalesiano Nursing Program, Brasil

Brasil – As atividades acadêmicas...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – As récem-formadas no Curso de Enfermagem do UniSALESIANO, Luana Pereira da Silva, de 23 anos, e Mirela Martines do Nascimento, de 24, foram aprovadas em dois Programas de Residência em Enfermagem de uma Instituição do interior…

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VIII ASAMBLEA GENERAL de las Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior

Convocatoria a la VIII Asamblea...

    (Rome) – El día de la fiesta de Don Bosco, el P. Marcelo Farfán, Coordinador General de las IUS, convocó a la VIII ASAMBLEA GENERAL de las Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior que tendrá lugar del…

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Group up of 15 students from Salesian Polytechnic Tokyo Salesian College of Technology who received 15 honor awards at the 12th University Consortium Hachioji Student Presentation, Japan

Japan – Salesian Polytechnic students...

  (Salesian Polytechnic, Machida Tokyo) – The “12th University Consortium Hachioji Student Presentation” was held on December 5th and 6th, 2020. Students from the Salesian Polytechnic College of Technology received 8 awards for excellence and 7 awards for…

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Convocatoria para el VII CITIS...

La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) convoca a investigadores e investigadoras nacionales e internacionales a exponer, compartir y presentar los resultados de sus investigaciones en el campo de la Ingeniería con especial énfasis en aquellas que aporten a la…

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To portray the strength and quality of the management and staff member of the college.

India – Christmas 2020 Celebrations...

  (Don Bosco Arts & Science College, Chennai) – To keep the Christmas spirit alive and continue with the annual Christmas tradition. This year the college management and staff members gathered to portray the strength and quality of…

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