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Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda Holds Career in Engineering for Carmel Higher Secondary School. Nuvem

Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda Holds Career in Engineering for Carmel Higher Secondary School. Nuvem


(Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – The Training and Placement Cell of Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) organized a session on, Career in Engineering on Saturday, February 4, 2023 for XI and XII class students of Carmel Higher Secondary School. Nuvem. The objective of the talk was to help aspiring students in choosing the right branch of engineering.


Electronics and Computer Science DBCE, Assistant Professor, Yeshudas Muttu, gave an overview on the various options for an engineer. He also presented a glimpse of Electronics and Computer Science to the prospective students. Mechanical Engineering DBCE, HOD, Ajit Salunke, explained the various specializations under the umbrella of Mechanical Engineering. He said,


There is a lot of scope for girls in mechanical domain. He narrated to the students the exemplary performance of girls in mechanical engineering at Don Bosco College of Engineering.


Associate Professor, Dr Vivek Jog, spoke of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and the Machine Learning as the buzzwords in the engineering. Civil Engineering HOD, Dr Shwetha, expressed the varied roles and career path for the civil engineers. Community Manager, FiiRE, Risha Hegde, and Head, Incubation Innovation, Kirran Mehta, presented the wide scope offered in terms of the various schemes offered to potential entrepreneurs.


During the visit to Rapid Prototyping Lab by Goa State Innovation Council at Don Bosco College of Engineering, Siddhant Panjikar, presented to the students on overview of GSInC and spoke about the Virtual Innovation Register and it’s benefits such as registering the idea, support for commercialization, pitching to prospective buyers and support for intellectual property rights. Avila Naik thanked the Director, Principal and HODs of Don Bosco College of Engineering for the support towards the success of the event. She also thanked Carmel Higher Secondary School, Nuvem, Principal, Sr. Marinelle A.C, Teacher Monica Antao, Teacher Debbie Pereira, and Teacher Queenie Rebello for creating this occasion for the students to visit the DBCE campus for Career in Engineering. Carmel Higher Secondary School Student, Prathiksha Gajula, thanked the Director, Principal, TPO, Heads of the Department, FiiRE and GSInC for the informative session as well as the campus tour.


Source: Salesians of Don Bosco, Province of Panjim