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The Instrumentation Team  of Don Bosco Technological Institute in Action:  Students and staff  in the process of  making Face Shields.

(Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI), Port Moresby) – The staff and students of the Instrumentation Department of Don Bosco Technological Institute have designed improvised face shields as a preventive measure to protect and control the spread of COVID 19 in the institution.

The materials used to make the improvised face shield are, plastic binder clip, strap, foam, acetate sheets, or laminating film and cable tie.

The Instrumentation Team of Don Bosco Technological Institute in Action: Students and staff in the process of making Face Shields.

The Instrumentation Team in Action: Students and staff in the process of making Face Shields.


“In times of crisis, we can all step up in our own ways. Right now, that includes staying at home and wearing the masks. The INS Technology, wearing the mask includes working on this. That is why we designed improvised Face Shield for the needy,” 

– Mr. Gabriel Gomana INS Instructor.

Posted by: Alphonsa Sequeira