Instituições Salesianas de Educação Superior
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Phillip Pereira, Don Bosco College Panjim Alumni of Bachelor of Business Administration [BBA]

India – From DBC Panjim...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim)  – I was born in Goa and brought up in Dubai. So when it came to deciding where I wanted to do my Bachelors, I wanted to experience something totally different. Making the…

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Tamasae Timothy, student of Bachelor’s in Automotive Technology from  Don Bosco Technological Institute received the “Best in Technology” award from the Remington Group, Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea – The...

    (Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby)  – Following the 20th Graduation Rites of the Don Bosco Technological Institute, one of Papua New Guinea’s leading technology company, the Remington Group was also present to award the top…

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Acadêmicos de Medicina UniSALESIANO ajudam bebê Ágata a vir ao mundo em parto de emergência na UBS, Araçatuba, Brasil

Brasil – Estudantes de medicina...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba)  – Sexta-feira, 14h40 do dia 8 de abril, UBS (Unidade Básica de Saúde) do bairro Morada dos Nobres, em Araçatuba. Esse momento, que parecia ser rotineiro na vida de quatro acadêmicos do 6º termo do…

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Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda (BCE) Mechanical Students visit the NIT Goa future campus, India

India – DBCE Mechanical Students...

  (Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – The (DBCE) Fatorda, students of the department of mechanical engineering, made a site visit to the NIT Goa permanent campus situated at Cuncolim on April 4, 2022.   The NIT campus…

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The National Social Service (NSS) unit of Don Bosco College (DBC), Panjim session on Solid Waste Management and Sustainability, India

India – Social Service volunteers...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) – The National Social Service (NSS) unit of Don Bosco College (DBC), Panjim, organized a session for its volunteers on, Solid Waste Management and Sustainability on March 4, 2022.   Rangnekar, a recipient…

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Don Bosco College of Agriculture Holds Seminar on Virgin Coconut Oil, presented by Paresh Shetgaonkar, founder member of My Old Goa Oils, Verna, Goa

India – DBCA Holds Seminar...

  (Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – The Salesian Higher Education institution, Don Bosco College of Agriculture (DBCA) organized a one-day seminar on processing of coconuts for virgin coconut oil by Paresh Shetgaonkar, founder member of My…

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Escuela de Educación en Ciencias del Movimiento y Deporte de UCSH conmemoró Día Mundial de la Actividad Física

Chile – Escuela de Educación...

  (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Santiago de Chile) – La jornada, organizada y gestionada por las docentes Francisca Pauvif, Bárbara López y Loreto Chihuailaf-Vera de la universidad UCSH, comenzó con las palabras de bienvenida del profesor Douglas Paredes y se extendió desde las 13:00…

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Literary Festival at Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, India

India – Literary Festival at...

  (Sacred Heart College, Tirupathur) – The Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, hosted a Literary Festival in collaboration with the District Administration of Tirupattur. It was presided over by Amar Kushwaha, IAS, District Collector of Tirupattur, and Jeyamohan, an…

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O P. Gabriel Romero visita as atividades sociais, religiosas e educativas dos salesianos de Campinas

Brasil – O P. Gabriel...

  (Centro Universitário Salesiano, São Paulo) – O Liceu Salesiano “N. Sra. Auxiliadora”, a “Escola Salesiana São José” e o Centro Universitário Salesiano (UNISAL), de Campinas, receberam, de 21 a 24 de março, o P. Gabriel Romero, Conselheiro…

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La EUSS presenta dos sesiones informativas sobre sus grados en ingeniería para este abril

España – La EUSS presenta...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – Una charla para mostrar los contenidos de cada uno de los grados en ingeniería que ofrecen, resolver dudas, visitar los laboratorios y conocer cuáles son las diferentes salidas profesionales de…

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