Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
Year of Foundation: 1952

R. Dom Bôsco, 100 – Santa Catarina, Americana – SP, 13466-327

Av. Almeida Garret, 267 – Jardim Nossa Sra. Auxiliadora, Campinas – SP, 13087-290

José Piracicaba
R. Boa Morte, 1835 – Centro, Piracicaba – SP, 13400-140

Av. de Cillo, 3500 – Parque Novo Mundo, Americana – SP, 13467-600

São Paulo
R. Dom Henrique Mourão, 201 – Santa Teresinha, São Paulo – SP, 02405-030

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES. Ministério da Educação – MEC.
Social Media

Campus Americana
Telephone: 19 3471-9700
Email: secretaria.geral@am.unisal.br; unisal@unisal.br
Campus Campinas
Telephone: 19 3744 – 6800
Email: secretaria.geral@am.unisal.br; unisal@unisal.br
Campus José Piracicaba
Telephone: 11 3437-3877
Email: secretaria.geral@am.unisal.br; unisal@unisal.br
Campus Lorena
Telephone: (12) 3159-2033
Email: secretaria.geral@am.unisal.br; unisal@unisal.br
Campus São Paulo
Telephone: 11 2971 – 6900
Email: secretaria.geral@am.unisal.br; unisal@unisal.br
Academic Offer
Undergraduate Degrees
- Degree in Administration
- Degree in Architect and Urban Planning
- Degree in Biomedicine
- Degree in Computer Science
- Degree in Accounting sciences
- Degree in Technology in Analysis and Systems Development
- Degree in Industrial Automation Technology Course
- Degree in Fashion Design
- Course in High Technology in Product Design
- Advanced Course in Environmental Management Technology
- Advanced Course in Technology in Human Resources Management
- Higher Technology Course in Human Resource Management
- Advanced Course of Technology in Digital Games
- Advanced Course in Logistics Technology
- Advanced Course in Technology in Management Process
- Advanced Course in Automotive Systems Technology
- Degree in Higher Education in Air Transport Technology
- Degree in Law
- Degree in Physical education
- Degree in Environmental engineering
- Degree in Civil Engineering
- Degree in Computer engineering
- Degree in Production Engineering
- Degree in Electric engineering
- Degree in Electrical Engineering – Telecommunications
- Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree in Chemical engineering
- Degree in Pharmacy
- Degree in Philosophy
- Degree in Physiotherapy
- Degree in History
- Degree in Letters
- Degree in fashion
- Degree in Pedagogy
- Degree in Psychology
- Degree in Publicity and propaganda
- Degree in Social service
- Degree in Information systems
- Degree in Theology
* Acrredited Programs
Postgraduate Degrees
- Teenagers and youngsters monitoring
- Big Data and data science
- Catechesis
- Cybersecurity
- Compliance and risk management
- Psychological consulting for companies
- Civil Procedure Law and Civil Law
- Advanced Criminal Law
- Business law
- Public Law
- Labor and social security law
- Teaching in Higher Education
- Infant Education
- Sex education
- Embedded Electronics
- Structures and Foundations
- Manufacturing and Maintenance Engineering
- Quality engineering
- Work Safety Engineering
- Full Stack developer and interior designer
- Software engineering in mobile devices, IoT and AI
- Telecommunications Engineering in Computer Networks and Software Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Power Systems
- Mechanical Engineering of Mechanical Projects and Structural Analysis
- Mechanical Engineering of Thermal and Fluids
- School Religious Education
- Liturgical space: architecture and sacred art
- Spirituality
- School Management in Education 4.0
- Gestión Escolar en Educación 4.0
- Innovation and educational technologies
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Liturgy
- MBA in Finance
- MBA in Strategic Marketing Management
- MBA in People Management – Leadership
- MBA in Process Management – BPM and Lean
- MBA in Project Management
- MBA in Strategic Business Management Executive Training
- MBA in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- MBA in Fiscal Management and Comptroller
- Liturgical music
- Neuropsychology
- Neuroscience, Education and Pedagogical Practices
- Youth Ministry
- Psychopedagogy
- Psychoanalysis
- School psychology
- Hospital Psychology
- Legal and Forensic Psychology
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Sex therapy
- Global Development Disorders
- Law Master
- Master in Education

Revista Jurídica Direito & Paz
The Direito & Paz Magazine, in association with other Brazilian and foreign teaching and research institutions,work together to stimulate scientific production, opening space for dialogue on issues related to the following Area of Research “Concretion of Social Rights, diffuse and collective ”

Revista de Catequese
It is a semester publication aimed at students of ecclesiastical catechetical action, particularly priests, theology students, catechetical coordinators and catechists with higher education
Areas of Research
Master’s degree in realization of social, diffuse and collective rights. Social, economic,cultural rights, diffusion and collective property rights.
Master in education: Socio-community education. Historical analysis of educational praxis in socio-community and institutional experiences and socio-community educational intervention: language, inter subjectivity and praxis”.