Country: Brazil
City: Forte São João, Vitória
Year of Foundation: 2000

Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales
Av. Vitória
950 – Forte São João, Vitória – ES
29017-950, Brasil

Social Media
Get in touch

Centro Universitário Salesiano – UniSales
Telephone: (27) 3331-8500 / 3331-8516 / 3331-8518
Email: faculdade@unisales.br
Academic Offer
Modalities: Face to face, Blended, Online
Undergraduate Degrees
- Degree in Administration
- Degree in Architecture and Urbanism
- Degree in Biological Sciences
- Degree in Accounting Sciences
- Degree in Social Communication-Journalism
- Degree in Communication-Advertising and Propaganda
- Degree in Law
- Degree in Physical Education
- Degree in Nursing
- Degree in Civil Engineering
- Degree in Computer Engineering
- Degree in Production Engineering
- Degree in Electrical Engineering
- Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree in Pharmacy
- Degree in Philosophy
- Degree in Physical Therapy
- Degree in Digital Media
- Degree in Nutrition
- Degree in Education
- Degree in Psychology
- Degree in Social Services
- Degree in Information systems
- Degree in Technology in Systems Analysis and Development
- Degree in Interior Design
- Degree in technology Logistics
- Degree in Computer Networks and Technology
* Accredited Degrees
Professors with Ph.D
Professors with a Master's Degree
Principales líneas de investigación
Biological Sciences
Health Sciences
Applied Social Sciences
Engineering and Computing