Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Fundación Universitaria Salesiana de Bogotá,

Country: Colombia

City: Bogotá

Year of Foundation: 2018


Comisión de Acreditación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior CDA (CONEAU)

Agencia Centroamericana de Acreditación de Programas de Arquitectura y de Ingeniería, ACAAI.
Sociedad Internacional de Ortesis y Prótesis (ISPO por sus siglas en inglés)

Social Media

Get in touch

Campus Fundación Universitaria Salesiana

Telephone: (+571) 322 3934834 – 322 3620424

Academic Offer

Modalities: Face to face

Undergraduate Degrees

    • Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    • Degree in Chemistry
    • Degree in Community Education
    • Degree in Energy Engineering
    • Degree in Agroindustrial engineering
    • Informatics Engineering
    • Degree in Community Education
    • Technology Degree in Data Management

* Accredited Degrees

Professors with Ph.D
Professors with a Master's Degree

Principales líneas de investigación

• Chemical Synthesis.
• Phytochemistry.
• Computational chemistry.
• Biological Activity.
• Galenic Development.
• Pure mathematics.
• Applied mathematics.
• Pedagogy and Didactics.
• Mathematics education.
• Environment.
• Agriculture in urban spaces.
• Agroecological gardens and healthy eating.
• Vertical gardens and green environments.
• Aquaponics and water resources.
• Food sovereignty and security.
• Web Technologies for the collection, consultation and visualization of Information.
• IoT (Internet of Things) and use of sensors for automatic information collection.