Country: Italy
City: Roma
Year of Foundation: 1940
Campus universitario
Piazza dell’Ateneo Salesiano
1, 00139 Roma RM,
Congregazione per l’Educazione Cattolica (Stato Città de Vaticano)
Social Media
Roma Campus
Telephones: +3906872901
Academic Offer
Undergraduate Degrees
- Degree in Theology
- Degree in Philosophy
- Degree in Canon law
- Degree in Christian and classic letters
- Degree in Educational sciences
- Degree in Psychology
- Degree in Religion Education
- Degree in Social Communication Sciences
* Acrredited Degrees
Postgraduate Degrees
- Canon law
- Christian and classic letters
- Education sciences (social pedagogy, family pedagogy, vocational pedagogy, school pedagogy, catechetics)
- Psychology
- Sciences of social communication
- Psychotherapy
A scientific expression of the Salesian Pontifical University where contributions are published that are the result of research and teaching work.
Orientamenti Pedagogici
The journal has been established in the scientific field of the development of psychopedagogical research
Catechetica ed Educazione
The commitment to religious education is an essential element for the Salesian charism
Canon law
Christian and classic letters
Educational sciences
Religious Education
Sciences of social communication