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Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong Assists Victims of Typhoon Ulysses, Philippines

Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong Assists Victims of Typhoon Ulysses, Mandaluyong, Philippines


(Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong) Don Bosco Technical College assisted Mandaluyong residents around the DBTC community affected by victims of Typhoon Ulysses (international name: Vamco).The humanitarian assistance was headed by Vice President for Administration Dan Lapid, BED Acting Principal Hazel Villanueva, AMT Director Willy Cuason, and Business Development & External Affairs Director Mannix Averilla.


The relief goods were provided by Ms. Peaches Pasion, Director Kit Katigbak and Don Bosco HS Batch ’70, assisted by the BED Student Council.  DBTC college students, for their part, participated in the physical distribution of the relief goods.


Posted by: May Rose C. Imperial