The Salesians of Don Bosco are a Catholic religious congregation, consisting of priests and consecrated lay persons, which is based in Rome, Italy. The Congregation was founded in 1869 in Turin – Italy – by Saint John Bosco (1815 – 1888), a Piemontese priest, better known as Don Bosco. Don Bosco’s work was oriented initially to the attention of young orphans and young at risk in the streets of Turin, to later expand to the qualification of artisans and to schools. The Salesian work also acquired, from the beginning, a missionary character for which it started to expand within Europe, in countries like France and Spain to later begin an important missionary expansion to several countries around the world.

Salesians of Don Bosco

Salesians of Don Bosco
The Salesians of Don Bosco are a Catholic religious congregation, consisting of priests and consecrated lay persons, which is based in Rome, Italy. The Congregation was founded in 1869 in Turin – Italy – by Saint John Bosco (1815 – 1888), a Piemontese priest, better known as Don Bosco. Don Bosco’s work was oriented initially to the attention of young orphans and young at risk in the streets of Turin, to later expand to the qualification of artisans and to schools. The Salesian work also acquired, from the beginning, a missionary character for which it started to expand within Europe, in countries like France and Spain to later begin an important missionary expansion to several countries around the world.

Salesian presence in the world
Today, Salesians of Don Bosco are present in five continents, in more than 130 countries and a diversity of cultural, religious, social and linguistic contexts. The Salesian work is developed mainly in the educational and evangelization fields through different types of works: oratories – youth centers, schools, professional qualification centers, attention to young at risk or with difficulties, parishes, universities (IUS) and student residences. But also in other environments or sectors that are key for evangelization and education: communication, attention to migrants, work with refugees, volunteering, etc.
Salesian presence in the world
Today, Salesians of Don Bosco are present in five continents, in more than 130 countries and a diversity of cultural, religious, social and linguistic contexts. The Salesian work is developed mainly in the educational and evangelization fields through different types of works: oratories – youth centers, schools, professional qualification centers, attention to young at risk or with difficulties, parishes, universities (IUS) and student residences. But also in other environments or sectors that are key for evangelization and education: communication, attention to migrants, work with refugees, volunteering, etc.