Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Research, Collaboration, and Knowledge between the IUS
in Economic and Administrative Sciences


Research, Collaboration, and Knowledge between the IUS in Economic and Administrative Sciences


Our Network

Salesian Institutions of Higher Education, CIAGEN Academic Network, Mission


To encourage the development of research, student and teacher knowledge exchange, through the organization of congresses, and partnership projects in Economy, Administration, and Accounting.


By 2023, CIAGEN-IUS seeks to become an academic network that will bring together Salesian Institutions of Higher Education in America. The network will partner with other universities to create projects in the Administrative and Economic Sciences areas that will respond to society’s problems, especially in those that affect the most vulnerable sectors.

Congreso Internacional CIAGEN, Bolivia, 2017


• Carry out research projects in the field of Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences, and make them visible through our jouernals in the area, Retos (UPS); Oikos (USE).

• Maintain the CIAGEN on an annual and rotating basis in each of the IUS that is part of the NETWORK.

• Support, depending on the institutional policies of each IUS, to carry out student and professor exchange in for academic and / or research purposes.

• Make visible the work carried out by the IUS members of the Network on the IUS website to promote the Network and bring together a greater number of Salesian institutions of higher education.

Salesian Institutions of Higher Education, CIAGEN Academic Network, Mission


To encourage the development of research, student and teacher knowledge exchange, through the organization of congresses, and partnership projects in Economy, Administration, and Accounting.


By 2023, CIAGEN-IUS seeks to become an academic network that will bring together Salesian Institutions of Higher Education in America. The network will partner with other universities to create projects in the Administrative and Economic Sciences areas that will respond to society’s problems, especially in those that affect the most vulnerable sectors.

Congreso Internacional CIAGEN, Bolivia, 2017


• Carry out research projects in the field of Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences, and make them visible through our jouernals in the area, Retos (UPS); Oikos (USE).

• Maintain the CIAGEN on an annual and rotating basis in each of the IUS that is part of the NETWORK.

• Support, depending on the institutional policies of each IUS, to carry out student and professor exchange in for academic and / or research purposes.

• Make visible the work carried out by the IUS members of the Network on the IUS website to promote the Network and bring together a greater number of Salesian institutions of higher education.


• To integrate the CIAGEN-IUS Network, it is proposed that each IUS appoint a person in charge; the coordination of the Network will be rotating and will last two years; It may be extended to an additional period if members deem it appropriate based on the projects that are in force.

• Promote participation in the CIAGEN of teachers and students from IUS institutions whose best works will be published in our institutions’ scientific journals.

• Once the CIAGEN is positioned in the IUS, promote other universities’ participation in the region in the annual Congresses.

• Present the work carried out by the IUS members of the Network on the IUS website, to promote the Network and bring together the participation of a greater number of Salesian institutions of higher education.

• The IUS members will contribute with financing that allows the fulfillment of the Network’s activities

Partnership Institutions

Areas of Research


• Social and Behavioral Sciences: Economics, History of Economics, Digital Economy, Political Science, Sociology, Demography, Poverty, Peace and Conflict Studies, Human Rights



• Business and Management Education: Retail, Marketing, Sales, Public Relations, Real Estate; financial management, bank administration, insurance, investment analysis; accounting, auditing, management, public administration, institutional administration, personnel administration.


Areas of Research


 • Social and Behavioral Sciences: Economics, History of Economics, Digital Economy, Political Science, Sociology, Demography, Poverty, Peace and Conflict Studies, Human Rights



• Business and Management Education: Retail, Marketing, Sales, Public Relations, Real Estate; financial management, bank administration, insurance, investment analysis; accounting, auditing, management, public administration, institutional administration, personnel administration.


Projects & Highlights



• The Universidad Politecnica Salesiana and the Salesian Higher Education Institutions in their concern to contribute to the scientific community, annually organize an event that brings together professionals, researchers, graduates and students to participate with their research in the CIAGEN with topics of interest current from which significant learning can be obtained.


• The topics that have been discussed in the different congresses have been the following:


CIAGEN 2013:
“Businesses that transcend borders: challenges of a common language”


CIAGEN 2014:
“The challenges of Organizations in a globalized economy”


CIAGEN 2015:
“Adaptation of economic enterprises to the internationalization process”


CIAGEN 2016:
“Business Management and Control in Latin America”

CIAGEN 2017:
“Business Management and Control in Latin America”


CIAGEN 2018:
“Ethics and Transparency as a pillar of business”


CIAGEN 2019:
“The challenges towards the fourth Industrial Revolution”


CIAGEN 2020: (on line)
“Pandemic, social crisis and professional challenges of auditing, management and business”




• Tobar-Pesántez, S Solano-Gallegos – Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2019. The perception of poor people from the canton of Cuenca-Ecuador on corruption (2010-2017 period).


• Yanez M. “Perception of the poor population of Santiago about the environment in 2012 and evolution since 2003” Article OIkos Magazine 2012.


• D Herrera Torres, Pérez Torres J, Ortiz Santacruz S, Álvarez Pinos D. “Study on access, equity and satisfaction of basic and public goods and services in Cuenca” Editorial Abya Yala 2019




• UPS study diagnoses corruption.


• Cuenca: UPS presents study on Probity and Corruption

Read more


Luis Tobar, General Coordinator of the IUS CIAGEN Academic Network, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana


General Coordinator

 Luis Tobar (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador)






César Vásquez (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador)



Victor Lindsay San Martin (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez - Chile)



Victor Lindsay San Martin (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez -Chile)



Álvaro Acula Vercelli (Universidad Católica Silva Enríquez)



Álvaro Acula Vercelli (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez -Chile)





 Cristian Gutiérrez Rojas (Universidad Católica Silva Enríquez – Chile)



Michel Constantino (Universidade Católica de Brasília)



 Michel Constantino (Universidade Católica Dom Bosco – Brazil)



Herbert Richard Mazariegos Cuyuch, Decano de la Universidad Mesoamericana, Guatemala



Herbert Richard Mazariegos  (Universidad Mesoamericana -Guatemala)

