Electronics Network (RECAL)
Fomenting research, education, and social development, through collaboration focused on the Electronics field.
Our Network

To Strengthen the development of research, teaching, extension and social development in the IUS, through collaboration focused on the area of Electronics.

By 2023, RECAL-IUS will be socially recognized as a key network in strengthening research, teaching and social vision in Latin America, aiming to develop collaborative projects between 60% of the IUS that make up the area of electronics in their institutions.

• Carry out research projects generating results with social and scientific impact
• Establish and maintain communication channels to inform about: congresses, colloquiums, scientific meetings, seminars and sources of external financing for the exchange of publications, formulations of joint projects, etc
• Promote the participation of professors and researchers in courses, colloquiums, seminars or congresses in the annual collaboration programs of the network.
• Apoyar, los intercambios de profesores y estudiantes en estancias cortas, para fines académicos o de investigación.

To Strengthen the development of research, teaching, extension and social development in the IUS, through collaboration focused on the area of Electronics.

By 2023, RECAL-IUS will be socially recognized as a key network in strengthening research, teaching and social vision in Latin America, aiming to develop collaborative projects between 60% of the IUS that make up the area of electronics in their institutions.

• Carry out research projects generating results with social and scientific impact
• Establish and maintain communication channels to inform about: congresses, colloquiums, scientific meetings, seminars and sources of external financing for the exchange of publications, formulations of joint projects, etc
• Promote the participation of professors and researchers in courses, colloquiums, seminars or congresses in the annual collaboration programs of the network.
• Apoyar, los intercambios de profesores y estudiantes en estancias cortas, para fines académicos o de investigación.

• The networks allow professors, researchers, and students of electronics and related fields to collaborate, sharing knowledge and tools through a series of activities that will promote and dynamize in a systematic and continued way the collaboration between IUS addressing issues in the area of electronics through the fields of research, teaching, extension, and social development.
Partnership Institutions

Areas of Research
Areas of Research
• Dr. Huerta’s visit to the UDB where she gave the Keynote Conference on “Internet of Things” and met with professors of Electronics to discuss UPS research groups and possibilities for collaboration. She also met with the IEEE student branch (November 17, 2019)
• Visit to the UPS of Dr. Manuel Cardona of the UDB, who focused on giving the course: “Kinematic Analysis of Parallel Robots” (February 9, 2020)
• Visita of Dr. Huerta and Dr. Ordoñez at the UDB Who will develop the following activities (March 3, 2020)
– Meeting to review RELCA-IUS activity plan.
• Meeting to specify and strengthen the activities of the CYTED NETWORK “Network to accelerate the transition of SMEs to industry 4.0 with low-cost technology”
– Talk about: “Industry 4.0 applied to the agricultural sector”.
– Talk about IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) in Latin America
– Talk on: “Computing in-vehicle support services and applications in the field of intelligent transport systems”
– Tutorial: Introduction to digital image processing with MATLAB.
• CYTED network approval: “Network to accelerate the transition of SMEs to industry 4.0 with low-cost technology”

General Coordinator
Monica Huerta (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador)
Email: recal@ius-sdb.com