(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana) – The books: “Disputed Civilizations“, by José Juncosa, published in co-edition Abya – Yala – Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar; “The Challenges of Salesian Education“, by various authors, including Fr. Juan Cárdenas, president of the UPS, coordinated by María Sol Villagómez, vice-rector of the Quito branch published by Abya Yala – UPS; and “Bodies, Territories, and feminisms“, by various authors, coordinated by Manuel Bayón and published by Abya Yala are part of the 2020 Catalog, edited by The Association of University Presses of Latin America and the Caribbean (EULAC)that will be presented on October 13 at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
The university publishing house Abya Yala – UPS has participated in the catalog, in its English and Spanish versions, for three years thanks to the Network of University Publishers of Ecuador (REUDE). The first catalog included: 662 titles from 89 publishers from 11 countries.
This collective effort allows us to show the best of the region’s universities publishing production and make Ecuador’s editorial production visible. At the same time, this catalog is a continuous document that requires a long-term commitment from all who participate in the proposal. It is key to achieving a greater reach of our publications.
The sale of translation and co-publishing rights represents an exceptional opportunity for the internationalization of our publications, crossing borders, and linguistic boundaries as it is one of the largest book fairs in the world.
Check out the 3 books that were chosen for The Frankfurt Book Fair (Buchmesse) 2020 Catalog
Posted by: Miguel Leonardo Reino