Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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The General Coordinator of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) and the former Principal of Salesian College Siliguri and Sonada, Father Dr. George Thadathil, SDB, visited the Salesian Province of Dimapur from November 21 to 27. His visit was marked by workshops and faculty development programs conducted across several regional colleges, fostering innovative research, enhancing teaching methodologies, and promoting constitutional values.

India – The General Coordinator...

  (ANS – Dimapur) – The General Coordinator of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) and the former Principal of Salesian College Siliguri and Sonada, Father Dr. George Thadathil, SDB, visited the Salesian Province of Dimapur from…

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Prof. George Thadathil SDB, Director of Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) addressing the participants in Siliguri

India – IUS General Coordinator,...

    (IUS) – In the wake of India reclaiming its position as the leading source of international students in the IUS for the 2023-24 academic year, University of North Bengal Siliguri organized a lecture on “Traversing the…

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The 12th Annual General Meeting of the Don Bosco Higher Education, India (DBHEI) began on 15th November 2024 at Salesian College (Autonomous), Sonada. The event was organized in the Province of St. John Bosco, Kolkata, India as it marks its centenary year of establishment. The theme of the event of the three day meeting was Innovating in Higher Education: Embracing Autonomy, Technology and Industry collaboration. The total participants were 73 from the 11 Salesian Provinces of India.

India – 12th DBHEI Annual...

    (Don Bosco Higher Education India) – The 12th Annual General Meeting of the Don Bosco Higher Education, India (DBHEI) began on 15th November 2024 at Salesian College (Autonomous), Sonada. The event was organized in the Province…

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-Em uma sessão solene repleta de emoção e homenagens, a Câmara Municipal de Araçatuba concedeu ao Pe. Paulo Fernando Vendrame, o Título de Cidadão Araçatubense, em reconhecimento aos serviços prestados ao município como Diretor da Presença Salesiana e Reitor do UniSALESIANO. A honraria foi proposta pelo vereador, Dr. Jaime, e aprovada por unanimidade.

Brasil – Câmara concede Título...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – Em uma sessão solene repleta de emoção e homenagens, a Câmara Municipal de Araçatuba concedeu ao Pe. Paulo Fernando Vendrame, o Título de Cidadão Araçatubense, em reconhecimento aos serviços prestados ao município como Diretor…

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On September 18, 2024, Don Bosco College, Panjim, marked a significant milestone with the laying and blessing of the foundation stone for its new building. The Chief Guest for the event was Rev Fr Pascoal Chávez Villanueva, former rector major, the 9th successor of Don Bosco, and the Guest of Honour was Rev Fr Clive Telles, the Salesian Provincial of Panjim (Konkan). Rev Fr Banzelão Teixeira, the Vice Provincial; Rev Fr Francis Silveira, the Economer; Brother James Marques, the Oratory In-charge; Mr Bryan Soares, the architect of the project and Mr David, the building contractor were among the invited guests

India – DBC Panjim Marks...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) – On September 18, 2024, Don Bosco College, Panjim, marked a significant milestone with the laying and blessing of the foundation stone for its new building. The occasion reflected the institution’s continuous development…

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Del 23 al 24 de agosto, la Obra de Don Bosco en Rodeo del Medio, recibió la visita del P. Óscar Lozano, coordinador general de las Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior (IUS). El P. Lozano visitó dos instituciones de educación superior de la región, la Facultad Don Bosco, la primera Facultad de Enología de Latinoaméricay Centro de Formación Profesional. (Obra de Don Bosco en Rodeo del Medio, Mendoza)

Argentina – Visita del Coordinador...

  (Obra de Don Bosco en Rodeo del Medio, Mendoza) – Del 23 al 24 de agosto, la Obra de Don Bosco en Rodeo del Medio, recibió la visita del P. Óscar Lozano, coordinador general de las Instituciones…

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Entre os dias 28 e 30 de agosto, a Universidade Católica de Brasília acolhe o X Encontro da Rede Pastoral Universitária  da Instituições de Ensino Superior Salesianas da América com a participação híbrida de representantes da IUS América Latina, incluindo países como Colômbia, Bolívia, Equador, Guatemala, Brasil, México, Argentina, El Salvador.

10th Meeting of the IUS...

  (Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasília) – From August 28 to 30, the Catholic University of Brasília hosted the 10th Meeting of Salesian Institutions of Higher Education. The event aimed to train managers and coordinators of the IUS America…

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El P. Óscar Lozano, sdb, Coordinador Mundial de las Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior (IUS), realizó una significativa visita a la Casa Salesiana de Educación Superior en Bahía Blanca, Argentina, integrada por las comunidades del Instituto Juan XXIII  y la  Universidad Salesiana

Argentina – Visita del Coordinador...

  (Casa Salesiana de Educación Superior, Bahía Blanca) – El P. Óscar Lozano, sdb, Coordinador Mundial de las Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior (IUS), realizó una significativa visita a la Casa Salesiana de Educación Superior en Bahía Blanca,…

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El jueves 22 y el viernes 23 de agosto se llevará adelante, de forma virtual, el IV Jornadas Nacionales de Gestión Educativa organizadas por la Casa Salesiana de Educación Superior (Instituto Juan 23 - Universidad Salesiana) que tendrá como tema “Gestión y políticas de cuidado: hacer escuela en perspectiva de derecho.”

Argentina – IV Jornadas Nacionales...

  (Casa Salesiana de Educación Superior, Bahía Blanca) – El jueves 22 y el viernes 23 de agosto se llevará adelante, de forma virtual, el IV Jornadas Nacionales de Gestión Educativa organizadas por la Casa Salesiana de Educación…

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UniSALESIANO vai investir, aproximadamente, R$ 45 milhões no SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) de Araçatuba e região, através do Curso de Medicina, que é ligado ao Programa Mais Médicos. O montante deverá ser repassado entre os anos de 2024 a 2029, que corresponde a um ciclo de formação do Curso de Medicina.

Brasil – UniSALESIANO investirá, aproximadamente,...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – UniSALESIANO vai investir, aproximadamente, R$ 45 milhões no SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) de Araçatuba e região, através do Curso de Medicina, que é ligado ao Programa Mais Médicos. O montante deverá ser repassado…

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