(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) –The prestigious IEEE ANDESCON conference was held from October 13 to 16, 2020, in a virtual manner with the cooperation and support of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador. During this edition, the university has achieved a milestone during the pandemic, summarizing 180 articles of the highest quality and aimed at social development within the different research lines connected to engineering areas, of which 24 documents were prepared in co-authorship with members of our institution.
Four articles belonging to UPS researchers were awarded as the best in their respective areas. The decision responds to the peer review rating and in the document’s presentation in their individual session. The awarded articles from the UPS were the following:
Track- Education in Engineering: Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez, Rafaela-Blanca Silva-Lopez, Mónica Huerta. “ADVNETLAB Methodology: How to Improve Quality in Software Development and Engineering Projects”
Track-Engineering in Medicine and Biology: Erika Severeyn, Sara Wong, Héctor Herrera, Alexandra La Cruz, Jesús Velásquez, Mónica Huerta. “Prediction of Abnormal Body Fat Percentage by Anthropometrics Parameters Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve”
Track-Communications: Jose-Ignacio Castillo-Velazquez, Isabel Muñoz-Martínez, Jorge-Armando Díaz-Ramírez, Esteban F. Ordoñez-Morales. “Management Emulation for GEANT Advanced Network: 2020 Topology under IPv6”
Track-Control and Systems: Iván Escandón, Mariela Cerrada “Active Fault Diagnosis Based on Consistencies to a Class of Hybrid Systems by Using Genetic Algorithms and Markov Decision Process”
It is important to mention the involvement during the entire process of execution and development of the event to Dr. Germán Arévalo, Co-Director General; Dr. José Manuel Aller Castro, Director of the Technical Program; and Dr. Mariela Cerrada, Dra. Mónica Huerta and Dr. Angel Torres-Toukoumidis, members of the Publications Committee, also thanking the students and representatives of the IEEE-UPS, Vice-Rector of Cuenca Headquarters, Dra. Mara Falconí and Dr. Carlos Lozano as Presidents of ANDESCON 2020 and Vice-Rectorate for Research, who partnered to catalyze the successful development demonstrated during the conference.
Finally, we take the opportunity for a pre-invitation to the UPS’s entire scientific community to be alert to the call for the IEEE ECTM event proposed for 2021.
Posted by: Miguel Leonardo Reino