Istituzioni salesiane di Educazione superiore
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  • Portoghese, Brasile
La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) a través del Rector, P. Juan Cárdenas participó en Encuentro Sinodal “Organizando la Esperanza”con el Papa Francisco

Ecuador – Rectores de universidades...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador)  – En la ciudad de Roma, Italia se desarrolló el Encuentro Sinodal “Organizando la Esperanza” impulsada por la Red de Universidades para el Cuidado de la Casa Común (RUC) y la Pontificia Comisión…

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Last September 30, 2023, marked the first face-to-face gathering of the Salesian Youth Animators and Leaders Assembly (SYALA) in the Philippine North Province (FIN) since the pandemic. The Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in the FIN, with the institutional support of Don Bosco Technical College – Mandaluyong (DBTC)

Philippines – First meeting in...

  (Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong)  – Last September 30, 2023, marked the first face-to-face gathering of the Salesian Youth Animators and Leaders Assembly (SYALA) in the Philippine North Province (FIN) since the pandemic. The Salesian Youth Movement…

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Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival (DBGYFF) will take place at the Salesian Family Youth Center in Los Angeles, California in collaboration of with Salesians of Don Bosco USA West

Los Angeles si prepara ad...

  (ANS – Los Angeles) – È con grande emozione che è stato reso noto che quest’anno la finale globale del Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival (DBGYFF) –  – sarà ospitata nella città di Los Angeles, in…

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Semana del Profesorado en el Instituto Superior Nº 9232 Don Bosco de Rosario con el tema “¿Filosofía y Religión?”

“¿Filosofía y Religión?”: Semana del...

  (Instituto Superio Don Bosco, Rosario) – La Semana del Profesorado es una jornada institucional tradicional para el Instituto Superior Nº 9232 Don Bosco de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Se trata de una serie de encuentros que tienen…

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Primo incarico nella Curia Romana per il Card. Ángel Fernández Artime

Primo incarico nella Curia Romana...

  (ANS – Vatican City) – Procedendo all’assegnazione degli incarichi per i nuovi cardinali creati lo scorso 30 settembre, nella giornata di mercoledì 4 ottobre 2023 il Santo Padre Francesco ha nominato il Cardinale Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB, Rettor…

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Jornada de Prevención de Acoso Escolar en el Instituto Superior Don Bosco Rosario

Argentina – Jornada de Prevención...

    (Instituto Superio Don Bosco, Rosario) – El pasado jueves 14 de septiembre se llevó a cabo la Jornada de Prevención del Acoso Escolar, organizada por el Instituto Don Bosco Nº 9232 de Rosario, destinada especialmente a…

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Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (UCSH) presenta Archivo Digital Patrimonial Cardenal Silva Henríquez

Chile – UCSH presenta Archivo...

  (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Santiago de Chile) – En el día del natalicio del Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez se presentó oficialmente el Archivo Patrimonial Digital del Cardenal, proyecto que agrupa a distintas organizaciones en torno al legado…

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3rd IUS East Asia & Oceania Continental Conference: A successful Culmination to the EAO meeting.

3rd IUS East Asia &...

  (3rd IUS EAO Conference, Manila) – On Wednesday September 27th, 2023, the IUS East Asia & Oceania Continental Conference concluded with great success. Under the guidance of Father Oscar Lozano, the conference commenced its last day with…

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The Salesian Family, next Saturday, 30 September 2023, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians, will be solemnly created a cardinal by the Holy Father Pope Francis

Don Ángel Fernández Artime diventa...

  (ANS – Roma) – Dopo settimane di attesa in tutta la Famiglia Salesiana, sabato prossimo, 30 settembre 2023, Don Ángel Fernández Artime, Rettor Maggiore dei Salesiani, verrà solennemente creato cardinale dal Santo Padre Francesco, nell’ambito di un Concistoro…

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Don Bosco Arts and Science Extends a Warm Welcome to Fr. Daniel, Procure of the Missioni Don Bosco (Mission Don Bosco) in Turin, Italy and Ms. Ester photojournalist of the organization.

India – A Revered Visit:...

  (Don Bosco Arts & Science College, Chennai) – On the distinguished date of September 22, 2023, Don Bosco Arts and Science College had the honor of hosting a visit by Fr. Daniel, the Procure of the Missioni…

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