(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – Authorities from the Salesian Circumscription of Ecuador, Misión Don Bosco, and the Universidad Politecnica Salesiana (UPS), presented the campaign “Donate your computer” on the Quito campus branch. The initiative seeks to provide technological tools such as tablets, laptops, PC, keyboards, mouses, screens, speakers, and power cables to vulnerable populations in 12 cities.
Father Francisco Sánchez states that since March, the campaign “For daily bread” has been begun, thanks to which in the last seven months, more than 4,000 families have been helped with a $ 60 card per month.
“Today we want to go one step further and present the” Donate your computer “campaign, a solidarity initiative with the slogan ” Let no one be left out “, we want children, adolescents, and young people to study under the same conditions as those that they do “
– Fr. Francisco Sánchez
Collection centers have been set up for the campaign, at the UPS campus branches in Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca; A computer application has also been developed that allows donors to know their donation’s status and destination, complying with transparency policies. The students of Systems Engineering and Computer Science are in charge of the equipment’s evaluation and repair; Donations will be channeled through Don Bosco Mission.
30 experienced students who already began with this proposal on July 20th, have repaired more than 100 pieces of equipment which were sent to the Salesian work in Esmeraldas. During the presentation, Tony Cisneros, María José Jácome, Anthony Tandalla, and Galo Rocha related to their experience in these months and explained how they carry out the repair or maintenance of donated equipment. They also thanked the UPS and the Salesian Province for the opportunity to put their knowledge at the service of the poorest. “Thank you for allowing us to demonstrate what it is to be good Christians and honest citizens, they said.
María Sol Villagómez, vice-rector of the UPS – Quito highlighted the students’ prominence through the area of Linking with Society and expressed her satisfaction that this initiative has expanded nationwide as it will allow it to reach more people. For her part, Patsy Prieto, director of the Computer Science department, pointed out that it is important to connect the technological gap in education. The slogan “Give to improve” means that we can give our creativity, talent, and knowledge to improve lives as students. That is how our students will be better people, professionals in contact with the country’s reality “.
Prieto commented that the proposal has three phases: the first is to awaken solidarity to donate equipment in good condition, not only in individuals but also to companies that can support equipment. Then comes the support of the students who will provide maintenance, place necessary applications, and the last phase is the installation through social networks of video tutorials to use the applications.
For the future, Mission Don Bosco intendeds to join efforts to provide connectivity for which the ConectiviDAR campaign will be launched, allowing access and good use of the internet.
“Do not miss this opportunity to do good; commit yourself to our fellow people of the country, especially boys, girls, and young people who need the most. We are all responsible for our country. We are committed to giving a better education for everyone. Donate your computer so that no one will be left out, said the Father Inspector.
For more information, you can contact Fernanda Vasco from Misión Don Bosco at the number 0987716000.
Posted by: Miguel Leonardo Reino