Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Prof. George Thadathil SDB, Director of Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) addressing the participants in Siliguri

India – IUS General Coordinator,...

    (IUS) – In the wake of India reclaiming its position as the leading source of international students in the IUS for the 2023-24 academic year, University of North Bengal Siliguri organized a lecture on “Traversing the…

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La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana concluyó exitosamente el II Simposio Internacional de Teología, que abordó los desafíos éticos, tecnocientíficos y la espiritualidad ecológica del siglo XXI

Ecuador – Cuenca Es Sede...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador) – La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana concluyó exitosamente el II Simposio Internacional de Teología, que abordó los desafíos éticos, tecnocientíficos y la espiritualidad ecológica del siglo XXI. Este evento se llevó a cabo en…

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Participants of the Media Education Seminar series organized and coordinated by Fr. Ambrose Pereira, SDB, EAO Social Communication Coordinator, along with his team of volunteer facilitators focused on Artificial Intelligence and practical filming activities with over 60 participants from various Catholic schools and parishes in Port Moresby

PNG – Empowering Youth: Final...

  (Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) -As we wind down the month, we also conclude another program on 20 July 2024, marking the final session of the Media Education Seminar series organized and coordinated by Fr. Ambrose…

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Gli studenti dell'Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Venezia (IUSVE) e il team social di Cube Radio documentano la visita di Papa Francesco a Verona e l'evento "Arena della Pace".

Italy – IUSVE students and...

  (Istituto Universitario Salesiano de Venezia, Italia) – Pope Francis’ visit to Verona on 18 May 2024 was relaunched on social media thanks to the contribution of students from the Salesian University Institute of Venice (IUSVE) and reporters…

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Il 18 e 19 aprile, i responsabili ed i coordinatori delle Istituzioni Salesiane d’Educazione Superiore (IUS) d’Europa si sono riuniti a IUSTO, Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino-Rebaudengo aggregato all'Università Pontificia Salesiana (UPS) di Roma  per la conferenza continentale delle IUS, per condividere le Politiche e il Programma Comune emanati dall’VIII Assemblea Mondiale delle IUS (Roma, 24-28 gennaio 2022) nella realtà di ogni continente.

Conferenza continentale delle IUS d’Europa:...

  (Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo, Torino)  – Il 18 e 19 aprile, i responsabili ed i coordinatori delle Istituzioni Salesiane d’Educazione Superiore (IUS) d’Europa si sono riuniti a IUSTO, Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino-Rebaudengo aggregato all‘Università Pontificia Salesiana…

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El pasado 10 de abril del presente año, el astronauta estadounidense de ascendencia salvadoreña, Frank Rubio, visitó la Universidad Don Bosco a través del programa American Space de la Embajada de Estados Unidos en El Salvado

El Salvador – Astronauta de...

  (Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador) – El pasado 10 de abril del presente año, el astronauta estadounidense de ascendencia salvadoreña, Frank Rubio, visitó la Universidad Don Bosco a través del programa American Space de la Embajada de…

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In an event that marks the culmination of rigorous preparation and collaboration, Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Chennai, in association with Don Bosco Vazhikaatti, organized its much-anticipated Annual Job Drive 2024 successfully. The event, held on March 22nd

India – Grand Annual Job...

  (Don Bosco Arts & Science College, Chennai) – In an event that marks the culmination of rigorous preparation and collaboration, Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Chennai, in association with Don Bosco Vazhikaatti, organized its much-anticipated Annual…

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El próximo jueves 29 de febrero a las 19:00 hs en el Colegio San José (Roca 150 - Rosario) se realizará una charla informativa acerca del Trayecto de Formación Docente en Aprendizaje Basado en Juego que iniciará este año, Instituto Superio Don Bosco, Rosario.

Argentina – Trayecto de Formación...

  (Instituto Superio Don Bosco, Rosario)  – El próximo jueves 29 de febrero a las 19:00 hs en el Colegio San José (Roca 150 – Rosario) se realizará una charla informativa acerca del Trayecto de Formación Docente en Aprendizaje…

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XI Congreso Internacional de Auditoría, Gestión y Negocios - CIAGEN 2024

XI Congreso Internacional de Auditoría,...

  (Red CIAGEN) – La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) sede Cuenca a través de las carreras de: Contabilidad y Auditoría, Administración de Empresas, Economía y Negocios Digitales invitan a la comunidad académica y público en general a ser…

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Don Bosco's Dreams: a novena to get to know them, deepen them and receive new energy

Don Bosco’s Dreams: a novena...

  (ANS – Rome) – The novena begins today, 22 January, in preparation for the feast of the Father and Teacher of Youth, St John Bosco. In this bicentenary year of the Dream at Nine years of Age, the…

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