Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca) – The UNESCO chairs program assistive technologies for inclusive education presented the seventh edition of its magazine: “Juventud y ciencia solidaria en el camino de la investigación”. The presentation was virtually attended by UPS officials, professors, students and representatives from several high schools.


UPS president Juan Cardenas stated that he is pleased to see young students interested in science and participating in the magazine. He also said that education, communication and knowledge is created by everyone. He congratulated everybody who is part of the magazine, specially Paola Ingavelez, editor of the magazine. 


Fernando Moscoso, vice president of our branch campus in Cuenca, said the magazine is an opportunity to bring science closer to young students and make it commonplace, just like UNESCO states by saying that science must be incorporated into people’s daily activities. Science and technology must be seen as something natural from early ages. 


This edition of the magazine contains 19 articles written by high school students from Azuay, Cañar, and Guayas. They were chosen from a total of 83 articles, which demonstrates young people’s interest in science and in improving society. They are not only the future of our society, but the present as well; they will change the world and hopefully they will do it well. 


Fernando Pesantez, UPS general vice president and the director of the UNESCO chairs program, awarded Paola Ingavelez a recognition plaque for her work and determination. She made it possible for young high school students to start writing about science. 


Read the seventh edition of the magazine:


Posted by: Miguel Leonardo Reino