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The International Salesian Commission for Artificial Intelligence (ISCAI) held its second virtual meeting on 5 September 2024, following its inaugural session in May. Fourteen members make up the panel, twelve of whom were present. The meeting was chaired by Fr Gildasio Mendes, General Councillor for Social Communication.

The International Salesian Commission for Artificial Intelligence (ISCAI) held its second virtual meeting on 5 September 2024, following its inaugural session in May. Fourteen members make up the panel, twelve of whom were present. The meeting was chaired by Fr Gildasio Mendes, General Councillor for Social Communication.


(ANS – Roma) – The International Salesian Commission for Artificial Intelligence (ISCAI) held its second virtual meeting on 5 September 2024, following its inaugural session in May. Fourteen members make up the panel, twelve of whom were present. The meeting was chaired by Fr Gildasio Mendes, General Councillor for Social Communication.


In his opening address, Fr Mendes emphasised the importance of establishing ISCAI amid the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), calling it a pivotal moment in the ongoing technological revolution. Reflecting on the recently concluded international social communication conference, “Shaping Tomorrow he declared it “a resounding success” and noted that ISCAI’s launch was highlighted during his keynote address.


Fr Mendes expressed pride that the Salesians are among the first religious orders within the Catholic Church to recognize the growing impact of AI and proactively respond. He stressed, “As Salesians, we need to make a statement on the impact of AI on education, ethics, and Salesianity.”


The commission, which includes both Salesians and laypersons, represents a diverse range of professions, including professors, technology experts, educators, and media specialists. Each member shared insights on the opportunities, challenges, and proposals for engaging with AI.


Prof. Hemerson Pistori from Brazil called for efforts to demystify AI for Salesians, educators, parents, and students and suggested the creation of a “Salesian Award for AI in Human Education.” Fr John Paul from Don Bosco International Media Academy (DBIMA) France spoke about the newly introduced film production course integrating AI, while Cristina del Aguila from Spain discussed her team’s work in packaging AI as “educative intelligence” (EI) to enhance the teaching and learning experience.


Fr Felix Olamide from Nigeria announced his forthcoming book, AI and the Future of Man, while Prof. Esteban from Universidad Politécnica Salesiana of Ecuador proposed compiling AI’s positive impacts in higher education into a resource for researchers and funding initiatives in Latin America.


Fr Michal Vojtas from the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome showcased a customised Salesian ChatGPT, designed to assist in learning about Salesian education, spirituality, and history.


El Padre Paul Dungca, desde Filipinas, compartió cómo se está utilizando la IA en los programas de educación técnica y superior para fortalecer los esfuerzos de los estudiantes y apoyar los valores éticos. Además, el Padre Selvakumar, desde India, habló de su exploración de “Angel AI”, una herramienta de IA orientada a brindar guía espiritual.


Fr Paul Dungca from the Philippines shared how AI is being utilised in technical and higher education programs to empower students while upholding ethical values. Fr Selvakumar from India spoke about his exploration of “Angel AI,” an AI tool aimed at providing spiritual guidance.


Prof. Paulo Soares from Brazil emphasized the importance of integrating Salesian and Christian values into AI initiatives in educational settings. Fr Ernest Rosario, ISCAI coordinator, announced plans to launch an “AIdea Lab,” which will offer AI-related certificate programs in media production and training opportunities for economically disadvantaged communities. He also proposed establishing a forum to scrutinise biases in mainstream AI platforms.


Fr Mendes commended the commission members’ innovative work, stating, “I’m really impressed with what you are doing with AI.” The meeting concluded with a proposal to draft a document titled Artificial Intelligence in Salesian Settings, which will serve as a roadmap for the Salesian community’s engagement with AI technologies.


Fuente: ANS – “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana”