México – Empezando con espíritu...
(UNISAL México, Ciudad de México) – El pasado 23 de agosto del 2023 se llevó a cabo el “Curso de Inducción” para los alumnos de Universidad Salesiana México del nuevo ciclo escolar 2023- 2024, el cual tuvo…
(UNISAL México, Ciudad de México) – El pasado 23 de agosto del 2023 se llevó a cabo el “Curso de Inducción” para los alumnos de Universidad Salesiana México del nuevo ciclo escolar 2023- 2024, el cual tuvo…
(Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma) – Dal 2 al 13 agosto, il Rettore, prof. don Andrea Bozzolo, accompagnato dal Segretario Generale, don Jaroslaw Rochowiak, ha visitato i tre Centri accademici di studi teologici collegati con la l’Università Pontificia Salesiana in…
(Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Santiago de Chile) – Con la cátedra inaugural a cargo de la periodista y Premio Nacional de Periodismo 2019, Mónica González Mujica, se realizó el Séptimo Congreso Internacional de Derechos Humanos UCSH, organizado…
(Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) – A lot of buzz has been generated around the most anticipated week on the calendar of the Don Bosco Technological Institute. This week is known as Don Bosco and Foundation…
(Don Bosco Arts & Science College, Chennai) – Don Bosco Institute of Career Excellence (DICE), a significant step towards career advancement and skill development, was inaugurated on August 23 at Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Chennai,…
(Salesian Polytechnic, Machida Tokyo) – Based on the philosophy of the Salesian Congreation of the Roman Catholic Church, the Salesian Polytechnic College of Technology aims to develop engineers with a rich heart who want to help those…
(SIGA Polytechnic, Chennai) – During the 71st Annual Meet of SIGA Past Pupils Unit (SIGAPPU) held on August 15 at the Salesian Institute of Graphic Arts SIGA Campus, the Department of Printing inaugurated the Ink Kitchen as…
(Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – Con el propósito de formar en el espíritu salesiano, el Vicerrectorado de Pastoral y Oratorio Universitario, organizó el “Curso en Salesianidad” dirigido a los Docentes de Formación Humana Cristiana, que son…
(ANS – Lubumbashi) – The Don Bosco University Lubumbashi (UDBL) becomes a reality. The Steering Committee of the project met with permanent staff and students of the Salama (ESIS) Higher School of Informatics and the Higher School of…
(Instituto Superior Dom Bosco, Maputo) – Decorreu no Instituto Superior Dom Bosco, no dia 27 do mês de Junho do ano em curso a cerimonia de lançamento da primeira pedra do novo Centro de Recursos (Biblioteca).…