Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Salesian College Sonada & Siliguri, inaugurates its new Salesian Wellness Studio and Psychology Lab

India – Salesian College Sonada...

  (Salesian College Sonada, Kolkata) – In a solemn ceremony held at Salesian College Siliguri, North Bengal has its first Psychology Lab, Wellness Studio and Wellness Woods on February 10, 2023. Located in Taverna Block of Salesian College, Psychology…

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Lent, a time of reconciliation and conversion, begins at the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) with Ash Wednesday 

Lent, a time of reconciliation...

  (IUS) – Wednesday, February 22 marked the beginning of #Lent for Catholics around the world, our Salesian Institutions believing in our faith, held celebrations and have encouraged the academic communities to take part in the practices of…

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Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda Holds Career in Engineering for Carmel Higher Secondary School. Nuvem

India – DBCE Holds Career...

  (Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – The Training and Placement Cell of Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) organized a session on, Career in Engineering on Saturday, February 4, 2023 for XI and XII class students…

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Salesian Youth Ministry Department: ECO-SPIRITUAL LENT 2023

Salesian Youth Ministry Department: ECO-SPIRITUAL...

  (ANS – Rome) – For Lent 2023, the Youth Ministry Sector proposes a tool to accompany in the ECO-SPIRITUAL WAY of preparation for Easter. The journey begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday.   Each day…

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Entrevista a Guillermo Gutiérrez Montoya, director de la Escuela Administración de Empresas dela UDB: Las políticas públicas deben buscar hacer partícipes a las personas adultas mayores

El Salvador – Entrevista a...

  ¿Cómo se puede mejorar la felicidad de las personas mayores? En primer lugar, me gustaría dar las gracias por la oportunidad de conversar sobre un tema de suma relevancia e interés para todos, como es la “economía…

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Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby is part of the PGS Solar Energy Project

Papua New Guinea – Launching...

  (Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) – The PGS Solar Energy Project was launched on 01 February 2023 at EMMAUS Conference Centre. The launching was attended by Fr Gregorio Bicomong, the Provincial of the Salesian vice-province of PGS.…

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Un reto de fuerza y flexibilidad: Han comenzado las clases de Karate en la Fundación Universitaria Salesiana, Colombia

Un reto de fuerza y...

  (Fundación Universitaria Salesiana, Colombia) – En la Fundación Universitaria Salesiana han comenzado las clases de Karate . «El camino de la mano vacía» lo lidera el profesor y cinturón negro Camilo Navarro.   Con su kimono de…

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UniSALESIANO recebe representantes do Conselho Regional de Enfermagem do Estado de São Paulo

Brasil – UniSALESIANO recebe representantes...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – Representantes do Coren-SP (Conselho Regional de Enfermagem) do Estado de São Paulo estiveram presentes no UniSALESIANO para palestrar sobre o tema “O poder da ação” aos acadêmicos do Curso de Enfermagem do UniSALESIANO, campus Araçatuba e Lins, e demais convidados.  …

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Universidad Don Bosco El Salvador realiza quinta edición del Science Challenge 2023

El Salvador – Universidad Don...

  (Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador) – En el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, la Universidad Don Bosco a través del Programa de la UDB para el Empoderamiento de la…

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El padre Mauro Mantovani, SDB, de la Universidad Pontificia Salesiana de Roma (Italia) Roma nombrado prefecto de la Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana

Italia – Fr. Mauro Mantovani,...

  (ANS – Vatican City) – The Holy See Press Office announced today, 14 February 2023, that the Holy Father Francis has appointed Fr. Mauro Mantovani, SDB, hitherto Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Salesian Pontifical…

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