Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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"WYD DON BOSCO 23" opens registration for World Youth Day

“WYD DON BOSCO 23” opens...

    (ANS – Lisboa) – WYD DON BOSCO 23, the organization responsible for the convocation and participation of youth from the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in World Youth Day (WYD) Lisbon 2023, has announced the opening of…

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“Constructores de la paz con alegría”, experiencia de docentes y estudiantes de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador

Ecuador – “Constructores de la...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador) – En el mes de octubre, 16 personas entre docentes y estudiantes de la carrera de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe EIB, del Centro de Apoyo Latacunga, realizaron los talleres “Construyamos la paz con alegría”,…

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La Universidad Salesiana entrega impresoras a 25 Unidades Educativas pertenecientes a Escuelas Populares Don Bosco (EPDB)

Bolivia – La Universidad Salesiana...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – La Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, en un sencillo, pero significativo acto y cerrando con broche de oro el penúltimo mes del año 2022, realizó la entrega de las impresoras comprometidas con…

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Viaggio nel Mondo 2022  Università Pontificia Salesiana, Italia

Viaggio nel Mondo 2022 #UPSRoma...

    (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Italia) – Tra gli appuntamenti immancabili c’è “Viaggio nel #mondo“, un’occasione per vivere le usanze e le tradizioni dei vari continenti. Il tradizionale appuntamento in cui i vari gruppi internazionali propongono cibi tradizionali…

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IUS South Asia Conference –...

  (IUS South Asia Conference, Chennai) – On November 30, the Day began with a wonderful group photo session with all the Rectors, Principals, and Directors who are participating in the ongoing IUS South Asia Continental Conference &…

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"The Salesian Mission" & and the First DBHEI awards ceremony on the second day of the IUS South Asia Conference

IUS South Asia Conference –...

  (IUS South Asia Conference, Chennai) – The theme “The Salesian Mission” was the second day’s theme for the Eucharistic Celebration which had Fr. K.M. Jose SDB Provincial, Salesian Province of Chennai as Main celebrant. The identity and…

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Inauguration of the IUS South Asia Conference & Workshop for IUS Rectors, Principals, and Directors 2022

IUS South Asia Conference –...

  (IUS South Asia Conference, Chennai) – On 28th November 2022, the IUS South Asia Continental Conference & Workshop for IUS Rectors, Principals and Directors under the theme SALESIAN LEADERSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION MINISTRY took place at the…

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Salesian Educational Leaders: Leading Instruction, Learning, & Change at Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu

Salesian Educational Leaders: Leading Instruction,...

  (Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu) – Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu in partnership with the Commission on Youth Ministry hosted the three-day SCHOOL LEADERS’ TRAINING-WORKSHOP from November 24-26, 2022 at DBTC-Cebu AVR with Mr. Paul Ray Mark N.…

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Con alegría y emoción se celebró las Graduaciones de la Universidad Don Bosco ( El Savlador) Noviembre 2022.

Con alegría y emoción se...

    (Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador) – Desde el 24 de noviembre, la Universidad Don Bosco(UDB) llevo a cabo las celebraciones de investidura de sus nuevos graduados en las carreras de Ingeniería, Ciencias Económicas, Ciencias y Humanidades,…

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Reitor da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Pe. José Marinoni, recebeu, na tarde de ontem (21), a maior honraria concedida pelo Governo do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul a pessoas físicas: a insígnia da Ordem do Mérito no grau Grã-Cruz

Brazil – Rector of Don...

  (Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande) -On November 21, the Rector of the Don Bosco Catholic University (UCDB), Fr. José Marinoni, received the highest honor bestowed on individuals by the government of the State of South Mato…

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