India – Salesian Alumni, Shweta...
(Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – Shweta Gaonkar, 24, was trying to crack her engineering exam but there was a faint voice in her head that urged her to walk on the road less traveled –…
(UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – A jovem Isabela Maria Dias Moyses Fernandes ainda não concluiu o Curso de Medicina Veterinária do UniSALESIANO, mas já colhe frutos da sua dedicação nas aulas. Acadêmica do 8º termo, Isabela conquistou, recentemente, uma vaga no programa de…
(Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2022 is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate…
(Istituto Universitario Salesiano de Venezia) – Giovedì 21 luglio 2022, un gruppo di studentesse e di studenti del secondo anno del corso di Baccalaureato in Advertising & Marketing ha avuto l’opportunità di visitare la sede di SIDI…
(Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – On Wednesday, June 29, and Thursday, June 30, the final phase of preparation for the Salesian Educational Pre-Congress took place at the “Don Bosco Fatima” event center with the participation…
(Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – Final year B. Sc students from Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna Goa, under RAWE (Rural agriculture work experience) program organized a Blood Donation Camp together with the N.S.S. unit of…
(Don Bosco Technical College, Cebu) – Members of Don Bosco Technical College Cebu Batch 1987 gathered together on the afternoon of Friday, July 15, 2022 and celebrated the Holy Mass for their 35th-anniversary reunion. Organized by a…
(Universidad Don Bosco, San Salvador) – Jaime Rivas Castillo director del Observatorio de Juventud y Familia del Centro de Investigación en Pedagogía y Espiritualidad Salesiana (CIPES) de la Universidad Don Bosco, recibió el premio “Cátedra Jan De Vos CIESAS-ECOSUR”, importante distinción…
(Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – The Senate of the Plurinational State of Bolivia has paid “a just and well-deserved tribute” to the Salesian University of Bolivia (USB) in recognition of its “priceless contribution” to the higher education…
(ANS – Vatican City) – On 13 July 2022, the Holy Father appointed three women, as well as eleven Cardinals and Monsignors, as members of the Dicastery for Bishops: Sr. Yvonne Reungoat, Superior Emeritus of the Institute of…