Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) becomes "Laudato Si 'University". Energy efficiency project for the entire University campus presented

Italy – UPS becomes “Laudato...

  (ANS – Rome) – On 22 November, the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) presented its energy efficiency plan for the entire university campus to members of the academic community. During the evening, the university officially joined the “Laudato…

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Indígena Júnior Tserewi cursa Enfermagem no UniSALESIANO

Brasil – Jovem Indígena Xavante...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – Os indígenas do Brasil carregam em sua história muitos episódios de lutas e sacrifícios. Esse enfrentamento marcou toda a comunidade indígena, assim como os mais jovens, que se sentem encorajados a enfrentar…

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Reunión de las IUS América previo a la VIII Asamblea General

IUS – Reunión de las...

  (IUS América) – De manera virtual se ha realizado este 24 de noviembre, la reunión de las IUS América. El Coordinador General de las IUS, P Oscar Lozano, y el Coordinador Continental de America, Sr. Mario Olmos,…

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Strenna 2022, “Do everything through love, nothing through constraint”, by Spanish artist Agustín de la Torre

RMG – Posters for Strenna...

  (ANS – Rome) – “Do everything through love, nothing through constraint” is the theme that the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, has chosen for the 2022 Strenna, inspired by St Francis de Sales, given the 400th…

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la primera edición de EXPOSALESIANA 2021 ‘Del aula a la práctica’,

Colombia – EXPOSALESIANA 2021 ‘Del...

  (Fundación Universitaria Salesiana, Bogotá) – El sábado 20 de noviembre se llevó a cabo la primera edición de EXPOSALESIANA 2021 ‘Del aula a la práctica’ una jornada en donde la investigación fue protagonista en los proyectos de…

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En Valdocco, ceremonia de clausura del "Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival y anuncio de los ganadores

Italy – Awards & Closing...

  (ANS – Turín) – On November 18, in 50 countries around the world, the projections of the short films competing at the DBGYFF and the celebratory shows were held. On Friday 19 November, however, the final event…

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the academic community of Sacred Heart College, Tirupathur remembers Legendary Salesian Educator Father Joseph Murphy

India – Sacred Heart College,...

  (Sacred Heart College, Tirupathur) – ”After taking six wickets, sure of his team’s victory, he collapsed on the pitch, thus ending his brief but glorious innings of 51 years on this earth. We can imagine him walking…

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España – La EUSS mantiene...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – Un 97% de los ingenieros e ingenieras formados por la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS) están en situación de ocupación laboral. Así se desprende del Informe de Inserción Laboral…

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Mariana Rie Nonaka Yamaguchi estudante de graduação de arquitetura no UniSALESIANO

Brasil – Ex-aluna de Arquitetura...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – A jovem Mariana Rie Nonaka Yamaguchi, natural de Araçatuba, é um exemplo de aluna que teve sua trajetória educacional permeada pelos ensinamentos salesianos e que ficaram marcados em sua vida.   Ela…

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El Padre Oscar Lozano sdb., nuevo coordinador general de las Instituciones Salesianas de Educación Superior (IUS)

IUS – Fr. Oscar Lozano...

    (Rome) – After four years of intense work, Fr. Marcelo Farfán, has fulfilled the mission entrusted to him as General Coordinator of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS).   Father Miguel Ángel García sdb., General…

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