India – From DBC Panjim...
(Don Bosco College, Panjim) – I was born in Goa and brought up in Dubai. So when it came to deciding where I wanted to do my Bachelors, I wanted to experience something totally different. Making the…
(Don Bosco College, Panjim) – I was born in Goa and brought up in Dubai. So when it came to deciding where I wanted to do my Bachelors, I wanted to experience something totally different. Making the…
(UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – A Pastoral Universitária do UniSALESIANO reuniu os colaboradores da Instituição e os coordenadores dos cursos de graduação para participarem da celebração de Páscoa e entrega dos ovos de chocolate. O encontro foi realizado em duas…
(ANS – Vatican) – On 9 April 2022, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints. During the Audience, the Supreme Pontiff authorized…
(Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) – Following the 20th Graduation Rites of the Don Bosco Technological Institute, one of Papua New Guinea’s leading technology company, the Remington Group was also present to award the top…
(ANS – Nizza Monferrato) – As part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), this year the traditional “Feast of World Recognition” of…
(UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – Sexta-feira, 14h40 do dia 8 de abril, UBS (Unidade Básica de Saúde) do bairro Morada dos Nobres, em Araçatuba. Esse momento, que parecia ser rotineiro na vida de quatro acadêmicos do 6º termo do…
(Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – The (DBCE) Fatorda, students of the department of mechanical engineering, made a site visit to the NIT Goa permanent campus situated at Cuncolim on April 4, 2022. The NIT campus…
(Don Bosco College, Panjim) – The National Social Service (NSS) unit of Don Bosco College (DBC), Panjim, organized a session for its volunteers on, Solid Waste Management and Sustainability on March 4, 2022. Rangnekar, a recipient…
(Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – The Salesian Higher Education institution, Don Bosco College of Agriculture (DBCA) organized a one-day seminar on processing of coconuts for virgin coconut oil by Paresh Shetgaonkar, founder member of My…
(Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande) – A Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB), de Campo Grande (MS), está no top 10 de universidades inovadoras da América Latina, conforme aponta o indicador internacional SCimago Institutions Rankings 2022. A instituição…