Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Graduación de la 24ª Promoción de Graduados y Graduadas de la Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS), Barcelona

España – Graduación de la...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – El jueves 21 de octubre se celebró el acto de graduación de la 24ª promoción de ingenieros e ingenieras de la EUSS de las titulaciones en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial,…

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One-week Student work camp organized at Salesian College Sonada & Siliguri

India – One-week Student work...

  (Salesian College Sonada, Kolkata) – A group of 20 residential student Brothers of Salesian College Sonada had a week-long work camp at Salesian College Siliguri campus. They cleared a jungle on the Siliguri campus. . The students…

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Prof. Michal Vojtáš, SDB, is the new Vice Rector of the Salesian Pontifical University

Italy – Prof. Michal Vojtáš,...

  (UPS – Rome) – On Thursday 7 October 2021 the Grand Chancellor of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS), the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, appointed prof. Fr Michal Vojtáš Vice Rector of UPS for the next…

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1º Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia na Educação - UniSALESIANO

1º Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – O UniSALESIANO promoverá seu 1º C.I.T.E. (Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia na Educação) nos dias 13, 14 e 15 de outubro, a partir das 19h30, de forma online. As inscrições podem ser feitas pelo endereço eletrônico…

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Italy – Sr Chiara Cazzuola...

  (ANS – Rome) – The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) gathered in Rome to participate in the FMA’s 25th General Chapter have elected Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, currently Vicar General, as Mother General of the Institute. Mother…

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12th Verzotto Memorial Lecture at Salesian College Sonada

India – 12th Verzotto Memorial...

  (Salesian College Sonada, Kolkata)  – Salesian College Sonada hosted online the 12th Verzotto Memorial Lecture on Business Journalism by Joseph Rai on 22 September, here at Kallingal Auditorium. Verzotto memorial lecture is an annual event in honour…

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Salesian News Asia-Pacific, produced for Boscom South Asia by Radio Salesian 90.8FM is visited by the Calcutta Salesian Provincial Team Visit - Provincial, Vice Provincial and Economer, at Salesian College Siliguri residence

India – Salesian News Asia-Pacific...

  (Salesian College Sonada, Kolkata) – Salesian News Asia Pacific, which started as a podcast during the first wave of Covid-19 on May 24, 2020, has launched its first YouTube version on September 19, 2021, marking its 70th…

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La UPS inicia proyecto de innovación y sostenibilidad de pesca artesanal en Manabí

Ecuador – La UPS inicia...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – En medio de la calidez de decenas pescadores artesanales de Manabí y rodeados de un privilegiado entorno natural, la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana  dio inicio al proyecto de innovación y sostenibilidad de pesca…

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nova reitora do Centro Universitário Salesiano- UniSales, profª Carmen Luiza da Silva

Brasil – Nova reitora do...

  (Centro Universitário Salesiano, Vitória) – Na tarde desta quinta-feira, dia 9 de setembro, tomou posse a nova reitora do Centro Universitário Salesiano- UniSales, profª Carmen Luiza da Silva, na sessão solene de Transferência do Cargo de Reitor,…

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