Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Don Bosco Higher Education India (DBHEI), Innovate for All, Best Entrepreneurial Innovation Award

Don Bosco Higher Education India...

  Don  Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022 OBJECTIVE • Encourage students to address social problems with innovative business ideas. • Identify potential young entrepreneurs in DBHEIs. • To facilitate the interested students to develop further with appropriate incubation…

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International symposium on Theology, Salesian Institutions of Higher Education

International Symposium on Theology

  We invite you to take part in the International symposium on Theology, Ecuador Chapter, which is part of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS): Universidad Don Bosco de El Salvador, UNISAL de Brasil, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana,…

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VII Congreso Internacional de Intervención...

    (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca) – La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) invita a psicólogos sociales y comunitarios, trabajadores sociales, sociólogos, antropólogos, miembros de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, de pueblos y/o nacionalidades indígenas y afrodescendientes, investigadores…

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Argentina: 1º Jornadas de Gestión...

    Se llevará a cabo el jueves 12 y viernes 13 de agosto la primera edición virtual de las Jornadas Nacionales de Gestión Educativa: “Gestando condiciones institucionales en contexto de excepción: saberes y prácticas de oficio”. Son…

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International webinar on Hydroponics, Don Bosco College of Agriculture,Sulcorna,Goa

International webinar on Hydroponics

  Don Bosco College of Agriculture is organizing an International webinar on Hydroponics. The information and live demonstration in the webinar may motivate youth and entrepreneurs to Opt for hydroponics as a business venture. When talking about the…

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Encuentros formativos internacionales para educadores salesianos  el Sistema Preventivo en el siglo XXI.

Encuentros formativos para educadores salesianos...

    Escuelas Salesianas de América (ESA), Vicerrectoría de Identidad y Desarrollo de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (UCSH) y nuestra Congregación Salesiana en Chile organizaron un ciclo de encuentros formativos internacionales para educadores salesianos en el que…

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Simposio Internacional de Teología

Simposio Internacional de Teología

    La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) invita a la comunidad universitaria y académica a participar en el Simposio Internacional de Teología, Capítulo Ecuador que surge de la reflexión, trabajo cooperativo y en red de las Instituciones Salesianas…

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International Church Music Festival, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

International church music festival

  The Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) invites the academic community and the general public to the International Church Music Festival which has been organized by the communication and culture department in our branch campus in Quito.  There will…

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March 27th Virtual Open House...

  UNIVERSITY SPECIALIZATION COURSE TO BECOME CERTIFIED COACH ACCREDITED ICF IUSTO in collaboration with the Teleos Leadership Institute of Philadelphia (United States), offers a unique course of its kind in the world by releasing: • University Specialization Diploma…

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Interactive Open House Quito 2021

  Our branch campus in Quito invites high school students to our Interactive Open House where students will learn more about the university’s programs, laboratories, libraries, coworking offices, language institute, exchange programs and other benefits of being UPS…

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