Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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The 2nd Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI) Stakeholders Conference was held at the Emmaus Conference Centre from 11-13 July. The conference consisted of a 3-day convention with discussions focused on the theme “Dreaming together for DBTI to be a University”. Invited guests and speakers who were present at the conference were stakeholders from the education, government, and industrial sectors, members of the clergy and from among the Salesians, DBTI Alumni, and fellow DBTI staff

PNG – Dreaming together of...

  (Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) – The 2nd Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI) Stakeholders Conference was held at the Emmaus Conference Centre from 11-13 July. The conference consisted of a 3-day convention with discussions focused on…

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El pasado viernes 14, el Director Nacional de Gestión Universitaria de Argentina, Matías Zuribia Mansilla, recibió y se reunió con el Rector de la Universidad Salesiana, Guillermo Tanos, la Secretaria Académica, Ana Clara Hoffman, y la Secretaria de Administración, Viviana Ghidini. También participaron en el encuentro Jorge Amaro, de la DNGU, y Adrián Mandará, Presidente de la Fundación Universidad Salesiana.

Argentina – UNISAL meets the...

  (Universidad Salesiana UNISAL, Bahía Blanca) – In view of the consolidation of its institutional project, the Salesian University of Argentina (UNISAL) held a key meeting on Friday 14 June with the National Director of University Management (DNGU), Matías…

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Durante l’Assemblea Generale della Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università e Istituzioni Pontificie Romane (CRUIPRO), tenutasi nel pomeriggio del 17 giugno 2024, è avvenuto l’avvicendamento alla presidenza dell’Associazione: il prof. padre Luis Navarro, Rettore della Santa Croce, ha terminato il suo mandato e l’Assemblea ha eletto Presidente per il prossimo triennio il Rettore dell’Università Pontificia Salesiana, prof. don Andrea Bozzolo, SDB.

Italy – The Rector Magnificus...

  (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma) – During the General Assembly of the Conference of Rectors of Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions (CRUIPRO), held in the afternoon of 17 June 2024, the rotation of the presidency of the Association…

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In an event that marks the culmination of rigorous preparation and collaboration, Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Chennai, in association with Don Bosco Vazhikaatti, organized its much-anticipated Annual Job Drive 2024 successfully. The event, held on March 22nd

India – Grand Annual Job...

  (Don Bosco Arts & Science College, Chennai) – In an event that marks the culmination of rigorous preparation and collaboration, Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Chennai, in association with Don Bosco Vazhikaatti, organized its much-anticipated Annual…

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Fr. Edwin Genovia SDB, Principal of Don Bosco Simbu Technical College, passes Away

Papua New Guinea – Fr....

  (Don Bosco Simbu Technical College, Papua New Guinea)  – With deep sadness, the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) express profound sorrow over the passing of Fr. Edwin Genovia, the esteemed Principal of Don Bosco Simbu Technical…

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Visita del Consejero Regional de Cono Sur P. Gabriel Romero a la Casa Salesiana de Educación Superior (Instituto Superior Juan XXIII - Universidad Salesiana) en Bahía Blanca

Argentina – Visita del Consejero...

  (Instituto Superior Juan XXIII, Bahía Blanca) – En una jornada llena de encuentros constructivos, el Consejero Regional del Cono Sur P. Gabriel Romero visitó la Casa Salesiana de Educación Superior, específicamente el Instituto Superior Juan XXIII y…

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Sacred Heart College (Autonomous) celebrated its 73rd College Day. The event, held on February 10th, 2024

India – Sacred Heart College...

  (Sacred Heart College, Tirupathur) – In a display of grandeur befitting its prestigious legacy, the Sacred Heart College (Autonomous) celebrated its 73rd College Day. The event, held on February 10th, 2024, at the picturesque College Grounds, witnessed…

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Don Bosco Higher Education India (DBHEI) Bangalore Province Hosts Faculty Development Programme on New Education Policy Implementation titled "Four-Year UG Programme: Guidelines for Implementation,"

India – DBHEI Bangalore Province...

  (Don Bosco Higher Education India) – In anticipation of the transformative changes brought about by the New Education Policy (NEP), the Don Bosco Higher Education India (DBHEI) Bangalore Province organized a comprehensive one-day seminar. The event, titled…

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Duílio Fabbri Júnior toma posse como Reitor do Centro Universitário Salesiano, São Paulo (UNISAL)

Brasil – Duílio Fabbri Júnior...

  (Centro Universitário Salesiano, São Paulo) – Na tarde da quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro, o Prof. Dr. Duílio Fabbri Júnior tomou posse como novo Reitor do Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo – UNISAL. A solenidade aconteceu nas…

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Pe. Paulo Fernando Vendrame, SDB, de 56 anos, foi oficialmente empossado como o novo Diretor-Geral da Comunidade Salesiana, em Araçatuba, na manhã de 27 de janeiro, durante a Reunião Plenária do UniSALESIANO.

Brasil – Novo Diretor da...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – Pe. Paulo Fernando Vendrame, SDB, de 56 anos, foi oficialmente empossado como o novo Diretor-Geral da Comunidade Salesiana, em Araçatuba, na manhã de 27 de janeiro, durante a Reunião Plenária do UniSALESIANO.   Até 2023,…

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