Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Colaboradores do UniSALESIANO participaram da Formação Mensal, realizada na Capela do Centro de Convivência, no dia 25 de março, cujo destaque foi a apresentação da nova filial da Missão Salesiana de Mato Grosso em Araçatuba, denominada “Zatti Saúde”. Aconteceu também a entrega de presentes aos aniversariantes dos meses de fevereiro e março e um momento de confraternização com comes e bebes.

Brasil – UniSALESIANO apresenta nova...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – Colaboradores do UniSALESIANO participaram da Formação Mensal, realizada na Capela do Centro de Convivência, no dia 25 de março, cujo destaque foi a apresentação da nova filial da Missão Salesiana de Mato Grosso em…

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Don Bosco College Byndihati concluded a spiritually enriching two-day retreat held on 22 and 23 March. The retreat provided an opportunity for reflection and renewal. Over 300 Catholic students participated in the retreat, fostering personal growth and spiritual development. They demonstrated a strong commitment to their faith and a desire for deeper spiritual connection.

India – DBC Byndihati Students...

  (Don Bosco College Byndihati, Meghalay) – The institution Don Bosco College Byndihati concluded a spiritually enriching two-day retreat held on 22 and 23 March. The retreat provided an opportunity for reflection and renewal. Over 300 Catholic students…

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The election of Fr. Fabio Attard as the 11th successor of Don Bosco marks a historic moment for the Salesian Congregation and the Salesian Family worldwide. Elected during the 29th General Chapter of the Society of St. Francis de Sales, Fr. Fabio Attard fully embodies Don Bosco's charism and is preparing to lead the Salesian mission dedicated to young people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, in 136 nations.

Fr. Fabio Attard: 11th Successor...

  (ANS – Turin) – The election of Fr. Fabio Attard as the 11th successor of Don Bosco marks a historic moment for the Salesian Congregation and the Salesian Family worldwide. Elected during the 29th General Chapter of…

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Los alumnos de cuarto curso de la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS) podrán disfrutar de una formación en alternancia entre la universidad y la empresa a partir del año próximo. Este nuevo itinerario es la Mención Dual y será una modalidad que se ofrecerá en todos los grados de ingeniería de la universidad. Esta opción, en línea con la filosofía de la universidad ‘Engineering by doing’, se presentará al Saló de l’Ensenyament 2025, que tendrá lugar del 26 al 30 de marzo.

España – La EUSS potencia...

     (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – Los alumnos de cuarto curso de la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS) podrán disfrutar de una formación en alternancia entre la universidad y la empresa a partir del…

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UniSALESIANO fortalece saúde pública com inauguração do novo Centro Administrativo da Santa Casa de Araçatuba

Brasil – UniSALESIANO fortalece saúde...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – No dia em que completou 98 anos (20/03), a Santa Casa de Araçatuba inaugurou, junto com o UniSALESIANO, seu Centro Administrativo. A unidade funciona no prédio da antiga Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, que foi…

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La Carrera de Psicomotricidad, Salud, Educación y Deportes de la Universidad Salesiana de Boliva, en alianza estratégica con la Fundación La Paz para el Desarrollo y la Participación (FUDEP), realizó con éxito una serie de capacitaciones dirigidas a Estudiantes de 9no y 10mo Semestre sobre Desarrollo Infantil Temprano (DIT) y la aplicación de la Norma de Vigilancia para la valoración de niños y niñas menores de 6 años.

Bolivia – Universidad Salesiana de...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – La Carrera de Psicomotricidad, Salud, Educación y Deportes, en alianza estratégica con la Fundación La Paz para el Desarrollo y la Participación (FUDEP), realizó con éxito una serie de capacitaciones…

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Salesian Father Peter Lourdes, the first Indian-born principal of Salesian College, Sonada, celebrated his 100th birthday at Salesian Provincial House, Kolkata, on March 19.

India – Renowned Salesian College...

  (Salesian College Siliguri) – Salesian Father Peter Lourdes, the first Indian-born principal of Salesian College, Sonada, celebrated his 100th birthday at Salesian Provincial House, Kolkata, on March 19.   Born on March 19, 1926, Father Lourdes served…

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The Department of Computer Science at St. Anthony’s College, with the support of the State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment (SCSTE), hosted the International Seminar on Emerging Research Trends in Computer Science from March 11 to 13. Aligned with the goals of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which emphasizes the importance of internships and research, the seminar was designed to provide a platform for meaningful discussions and knowledge exchange among participants.

India – St. Anthony’s College...

  (St. Anthony’s College, Shillong) – The Department of Computer Science at St. Anthony’s College, with the support of the State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (SCSTE) and NTPC NEEPCO, successfully hosted the International Seminar on Emerging Research…

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Italy – Salesian Educational Experience:...

    (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma) – The Pontifical Salesian University (UPS), in collaboration with the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences Auxilium, has launched a new three-year research project titled “Salesian Educational Experience: Rethinking the Preventive System 150…

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Fr. Dr. George Thadathil, general coordinator of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS), visited the Scuola Superiore dell’educazione “San Giovanni Bosco” (SED Institute) in the city of Massa, Italy which is affiliated since 2019 with the Faculty of Educational Sciences (FSE) of the Università Pontificia Salesiana

Italy – Fr. Dr. George...

    (SED Institute, Massa) –  In recent days Fr. Dr. George Thadathil, our general coordinator for IUS, visited the Scuola Superiore dell’educazione “San Giovanni Bosco” (SED Institute) in the city of Massa, Italy. Founded in 1998 and…

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