Istituzioni salesiane di Educazione superiore
  • Spagnolo
  • Inglese
  • Italiano
  • Portoghese, Brasile
Authorities of the Universidad Mesoamericana of Guatemala

Firma de Convenio – Universidad...

Autoridades de la Universidad Mesoamericana de Guatemala  y del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social firmaron  un convenio para la cooperación académica, con el objetivo de desarrollar integralmente acciones de coordinación institucional para la  implementación efectiva y…

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the team of the Dicastery for Youth Ministry

Dicasterio de Pastoral Juvenil inicia...

  Con la celebración de una Eucaristía en la histórica habitación de Don Bosco que se encuentra junto a la Basílica del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Roma, el equipo del Dicasterio para la Pastoral Juvenil ha dado…

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RMG – Nuovo portale web...

  Dopo diversi mesi di lavoro, il Coordinamento Generale delle Istituzioni Salesiane di Educazione Superiore (IUS) ha il piacere di presentare a tutta la Congregazione il nuovo portale web delle IUS:  Durante l’ultima Assemblea Generale delle IUS…

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Italia – Rinnovamento degli Statuti...

  Lo scorso 24 maggio, Solennità dell’Ascensione del Signore, nel ricordo della Beata Vergine Maria Ausiliatrice, il Gran Cancelliere dell’Università Pontificia Salesiana (UPS), Don Ángel Fernández Artime, ha promulgato gli Statuti Generali e di Facoltà e l’Ordinamento degli Studi…

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Argentina – En tiempos de...

  Por primera vez en su historia, la Universidad Salesiana entregó títulos a sus siete primeros graduados. En este contexto tan particular, la Facultad de Derecho concretó la entrega de títulos a flamantes abogados que habían completado su…

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UNISAL’S educational community responds to...

  Paying attention to the needs of each region, the initiatives were focused human dignity and the fight against coronavirus   The Salesian University Center of São Paulo, has decided to cooperate with the  educational community during the…

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The Network of Salesian Institutions...

  On Wednesday, May 20, the first online discussion  entitled “Health crisis, indigenous people and immigrants: fighting racism and inequality from within the University” was held. RIUSI which initiated 2019, brings together three Salesian Institutions in combined work:…

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Ecuador – Students of the...

  Hope, sadness, concern, uncertainty are feelings shared by the 47 intercultural students of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS) who would have been sharing laughter, books, and notes, if the COVID – 19 health emergency had not occurred.…

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India – I salesiani di...

I salesiani dell’Ispettoria di Shillong (INS) si sono attivati per aiutare le persone più bisognose e vulnerabili delle città e dei villaggi situati negli stati di Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura e in alcune zone dell’Assam (Silchar) nella regione nord-orientale…

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Challenges for Salesian Education: Experiences...

    The book “Challenges for Salesian Education: Experiences and Reflections from IUS” was presented by the  IUS Education Group, which is made up of professionals from the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS). The book was published…

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