Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez y Universidad de Valladolid presentan resultados de investigación sobre vocación pedagógica

Chile – UCSH y Universidad...

  (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Santiago de Chile) – La actividad realizada el jueves 24 de marzo de manera virtual, tenía por objetivo fortalecer la línea de vocación pedagógica, mediante la investigación de las barreras y facilitadores que inciden…

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Dr Kunkalikar delivering his talk on nano biotechnology at UAS Dharwad

India – DBCA Principal delivers...

  (Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – The Don Bosco College of Agriculture Sulcorna, Principal, Dr Suresh Kunkalikar, was invited to deliver a talk on, NanoBiotechnology – A Way Forward to Manage Plant Viruses and Diseases at…

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Salesian Polytechnic Tokyo students are awarded at the the 13th University Consortium Hachioji Student Presentation, Japan

Japan – Salesian Polytechnic students...

  (Salesian Polytechnic, Machida Tokyo) – The “13th University Consortium Hachioji Student Presentation” was held on December 4th and 5th, 2021,  the presentation is an opportunity where students from various higher education institutions can freely present their research…

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Don Bosco College of Agriculture (DBCA), Sulcorna participates in Krishi Mahotsav 2021-22

India – DBCA Participates in...

  (Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sulcorna) – Don Bosco college of Agriculture (DBCA), Sulcorna, Quepem upon the request of the Department of Agriculture, Government of Goa successfully participated in the district level Krishi Mahotsav-2021-22, inaugurated by Honorable…

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Inauguration Ceremony of Forum for Innovation Incubation Research and Entrepreneurship (FiiRe) at the Don Bosco College Panjim

India – Simplifying Startup Innovation...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) – Don Bosco College (DBC) Panjim, , heralded the upcoming New Year with the inauguration of Forum for Innovation Incubation Research and Entrepreneurship (FiiRe) Work, a campus-based technology incubator, on December 21, 2021.…

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Primera Revista científica: “Verdad Activa”, con y para los jóvenes de la Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia

Bolivia – “Active Truth”: the...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – The scientific journal “Verdad Activa” (Active Truth) of the Salesian University of Bolivia (USB) is the result of ongoing collaborative work in the search for truth and in the construction…

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Estudiantes de la sede Cuenca junto a paciente de la Fundación HOPE durante la demostración del uso de dispositivo

Ecuador – UPS entrega dispositivo...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) a través de la carrera de Mecánica y el Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Biomédica (GIIB) de la sede Cuenca, hizo la entrega de un dispositivo de…

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prórroga de la revista “MIRADAS y PROYECTOS”, de la la Red Salesiana de Educación Superior de Argentina

Argentina – “MIRADAS y PROYECTOS”:...

  (Red Salesiana de Educación Superior, Argentina) – Importante material se encuentra en los diversos números de la revista “MIRADAS y PROYECTOS”. Ya hay publicados 4 números donde interesantes artículos versan sobre aportes que reflexionan sobre diversas prácticas. La…

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The Salesian College of India and Salesian University of Bolivia in the context of the pandemic

India – World Health Organization...

  (Salesian College, Siliguri) – A collaborative research study conducted by Salesian College Siliguri and Salesian University Bolivia on education in pandemic times and published in the Scopus platform has featured on the World Health Organization website. Scopus is…

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Vetri Selvan, founding member of the environmental organization called Poovulagin Nanbargal in India

India – Climatical changes from...

    (Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills) – The Department of Management Studies of Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills, Conducted Webinar on Climatical changes from Corona to cyclone Nivar. We don’t have direct evidence that climate change influences…

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