Istituzioni salesiane di Educazione superiore
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  • Portoghese, Brasile
The first edition of Ciné Don Bosco took place spectacularly on May 31, 2024, despite the inclement weather. This event successfully attracted an enthusiastic crowd of cinema enthusiasts, parents, students, and industry professionals, all gathered to support and encourage the emerging talents of the Institut Supérieur Don Bosco,

The first edition of Ciné Don Bosco took place spectacularly on May 31, 2024, despite the inclement weather. This event successfully attracted an enthusiastic crowd of cinema enthusiasts, parents, students, and industry professionals, all gathered to support and encourage the emerging talents of the Institut Supérieur Don Bosco,


(Institut Supérieur Don Bosco, Togo) – The first edition of Ciné Don Bosco took place spectacularly on May 31, 2024, despite the inclement weather. This event successfully attracted an enthusiastic crowd of cinema enthusiasts, parents, students, and industry professionals, all gathered to support and encourage the emerging talents of the Institut Supérieur Don Bosco,


An Evening Full of Emotions

The evening began at 6:30 PM with the arrival and seating of guests, accompanied by the screening of some past student projects and making-of sequences, immediately immersing the audience in the creative world of the filmmakers. Following an opening prayer, a brief presentation of the ISDB allowed guests to discover the modern facilities available to students.


Showcasing Talented Filmmakers

Starting at 7:20 PM, the directors and actors were introduced, highlighting their journeys and passion for cinema. The film screenings then commenced, providing a glimpse into the diversity and depth of the works created by our students. Among the films shown, several stood out:


“Deux pour le prix d’un” and “Conditionnel Amour” created by student groups.
“Aux champs d’eau” and “THE SHEET” by Jude KOUDAYA, the latter awarded for its exceptional quality at the Don Bosco International Film Festival.
“FRAGMENTS” and “RETRIBUTION” by Djawad Mama, with “RETRIBUTION” also receiving accolades.
“Vocation Difficile” by Christian AGBOGLO.
“ACT OF BENEVOLENCE” by Grace ADJOI, also awarded at th.
“CRIME SILENCIEUX” by Regina Mensah.
“CARPE DIEM” by Chimène AKPAH.
“Nos Peines leurs Plaisirs” and “YEMKULUBA” by director Aimé Sohlo, a special guest for the occasion.


A Talk Show and Warm Thanks

The screening was followed by an interactive talk show, providing a space for discussion and reflection on the films viewed. Participants engaged with the directors and actors, enriching their understanding of the themes explored and the creative processes involved.


The evening concluded with warm thanks and a closing prayer, marking the end of this successful first edition of Ciné Don Bosco. We express our gratitude to all who contributed to the event’s success: the student filmmakers, parents, guests, ISDB administration, and the organizing committee.


Towards a Promising Second Edition

This first edition of Ciné Don Bosco was not only a success but also laid the foundation for an annual cinematic tradition at ISDB. We look forward to the next edition, hoping to see even more innovative films and emerging talents. Together, let us continue to celebrate creativity, passion, and excellence in the field of cinema.


Long live Ciné Don Bosco, long live ISDB!




Source: Institut Supérieur Don Bosco Website