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Manca ormai pochissimo all’inizio del IX Congresso Internazionale di Maria Ausiliatrice, che si terrà a Fatima, in Portogallo, dal 29 agosto al 1° settembre 2024. Il tema scelto per questa edizione del Congresso, “Io ti darò la Maestra”, è un chiaro richiamo al Sogno dei Nove Anni, del quale la Famiglia Salesiana sta celebrando quest’anno il Bicentenario.

Manca ormai pochissimo all’inizio del IX Congresso Internazionale di Maria Ausiliatrice, che si terrà a Fatima, in Portogallo, dal 29 agosto al 1° settembre 2024. Il tema scelto per questa edizione del Congresso, “Io ti darò la Maestra”, è un chiaro richiamo al Sogno dei Nove Anni, del quale la Famiglia Salesiana sta celebrando quest’anno il Bicentenario.


(ANS – Fátima) – The 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians will be held in Fatima, Portugal, from 29 August to 1 September 2024. The theme chosen for this edition of the Congress, “I will give you a Teacher”, is a clear reference to the Dream at Nine Years of Age, whose Bicentennial the Salesian Family is celebrating this year.


The goal of this Congress, which will bring together participants from an impressive variety of countries at Fatima, is to know, deepen, and spread devotion to Mary Help of Christians. Aimed at all the groups of the Salesian Family, the Congress, organized by the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA), is usually held every four years and is a very important moment for all. Therefore, all the groups of the Salesian Family are called to participate in this important moment of union and devotion.


This year, in addition to the participants, who exceeded 1,200, 132 support teams were registered, including 207 religious and 78 priests. These numbers reinforce the spiritual and community character of the Congress.


The 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians includes a very varied programme, with conferences, testimonies, moments of prayer, liturgical celebrations, guided tours of the sacred places around the Marian sanctuary and participation in the Via Crucis. These will be organised by language groups in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English and French.


Confirmed speakers include theologians, priests and lay people engaged in Marian spirituality and in the Salesian mission.


In addition, TV Canção Nova and the Salesians have established a partnership for the coverage and television broadcast of some moments of the Congress. In particular, the opening Eucharist will be broadcast on Canção Nova on 29 August, at 19.00, the closing Eucharist on 1 September at 10.30, and some daily services.


More information, including the full program of the event, is available on the website:


Source: ANS – “Agencia iNfo Salesiana”