Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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El pasado viernes 14, el Director Nacional de Gestión Universitaria de Argentina, Matías Zuribia Mansilla, recibió y se reunió con el Rector de la Universidad Salesiana, Guillermo Tanos, la Secretaria Académica, Ana Clara Hoffman, y la Secretaria de Administración, Viviana Ghidini. También participaron en el encuentro Jorge Amaro, de la DNGU, y Adrián Mandará, Presidente de la Fundación Universidad Salesiana.

El pasado viernes 14, el Director Nacional de Gestión Universitaria de Argentina, Matías Zuribia Mansilla, recibió y se reunió con el Rector de la Universidad Salesiana, Guillermo Tanos, la Secretaria Académica, Ana Clara Hoffman, y la Secretaria de Administración, Viviana Ghidini. También participaron en el encuentro Jorge Amaro, de la DNGU, y Adrián Mandará, Presidente de la Fundación Universidad Salesiana.


(Universidad Salesiana UNISAL, Bahía Blanca) – In view of the consolidation of its institutional project, the Salesian University of Argentina (UNISAL) held a key meeting on Friday 14 June with the National Director of University Management (DNGU), Matías Zuribia Mansilla. He received and met the Rector of UNISAL, Fr Guillermo Tanos, the Academic Secretary, Ana Clara Hoffman, and the Secretary of Administration, Viviana Ghidini. The meeting was also attended by Jorge Amaro, of DNGU, and Adrián Mandará, president of the Salesian University Foundation


The meeting was very productive and project-oriented, focusing on the consolidation of the university’s institutional project. During this official meeting with the authorities present, strategies were developed for the key accreditation and recognition of the Salesian Congregation in the field of education.


And on the occasion, the National Director of University Management highlighted the importance of the figure of Don Bosco in the university environment, stressing: “We need Don Bosco and his work must be present in the university world today more than ever.”


Source: ANS – “Agencia iNfo Salesiana”