Istituzioni salesiane di Educazione superiore
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Make Classrooms Better, National award for innovative practices in teaching, learning, and evaluation in Don Bosco Higher Education Institutions, Don Bosco Higher Education India (DBHEI)

Make Classrooms Better, National award...

  Don  Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022 The main objectives of the award are: Sensitise teachers about the potential of innovative practices and experiments for improvement of teaching-learning; Encourage teachers and teacher educators to try out innovative ideas…

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Be the leader - Don Bosco Higher Education (DBHEI) - National Best Institution Award

Be the leader – Don...

  Don  Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022   SCOPE There is a need to strengthen the roots of democracy, inculcate healthy habits of discipline, tolerance of the view of others and to enable the student community to know…

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