Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Be the leader - Don Bosco Higher Education (DBHEI) - National Best Institution Award

Be the leader – Don...

  Don  Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022   SCOPE There is a need to strengthen the roots of democracy, inculcate healthy habits of discipline, tolerance of the view of others and to enable the student community to know…

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Don Bosco Higher Education India (DBHEI), Innovate for All, Best Entrepreneurial Innovation Award

Don Bosco Higher Education India...

  Don  Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022 OBJECTIVE • Encourage students to address social problems with innovative business ideas. • Identify potential young entrepreneurs in DBHEIs. • To facilitate the interested students to develop further with appropriate incubation…

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Mónica Huerta, coordinator of the IUS Academic group, Electronic Network (RECAL), during the meeting with Andreu Moreno rector of the Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS), Barcelona.

Red Académica RECAL – Acercamiento...

    (Red Electrónica – RECAL) – En representación del Grupo de Investigación en Telecomunicaciones GITEL de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Cuenca, la Dra. Mónica Huerta participó en una visita técnica en la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de…

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prof. Andrea Bozzolo Rector Magnificus of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS), Rome

Italy – Fr Andrea Bozzolo...

  (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome) – On 30 June the Congregation for Catholic Education issued the Decree (prot. No. 467/2021) which appoints prof. Andrea Bozzolo Rector Magnificus of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS). His mandate, as established by…

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Staff from Don Bosco College Panjim, distributed contributions girl’s orphanage at Siridao belonging to the Asha Sadan Social Centre to provide a helping hand to the needy during this second phase of the pandemic.

India – DBC Panjim Reaches...

  (Don Bosco College, Panjim) – Given the difficulties being faced by people across the state, the Women’s Cell of Don B0osco College, Panjim, took the initiative to reach out and offer assistance to those in need.  …

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Pe. Ricardo é o atual Reitor da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco

Brasil – Com Drive UCDB,...

    (Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande) – Tiveram início hoje as atividades do Drive-thru Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB), que está funcionando nas quadras cobertas do campus Tamandaré. A abertura dos portões aconteceu às 7h45 e…

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students of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) Fatorda, Goa, was adjudged the best project at the 5th National Level IEEE Project Competition organized by Geetha Shishu Shikshana Sangha (GSSS) Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru, on June 26, 2021.

India – Don Bosco College...

  (Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – With over 1000 entries in the competition, Library Management Robotic System (LMRS) developed by the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) Fatorda, Goa, was…

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(Centro de Estudios Superiores (CES) Don Bosco Don Bosco ofrece nuevas menciones para graduados en Educación Primaria

España – CES Don Bosco...

  (Centro de Estudios Superiores Don Bosco, Madrid) – El Centro de Estudios Superiores (CES) Don Bosco de Madrid amplia su oferta formativa para el próximo curso 2021-2022. Dirigido a graduados en Educación Primaria que provengan de cualquier…

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International symposium on Theology, Salesian Institutions of Higher Education

International Symposium on Theology

  We invite you to take part in the International symposium on Theology, Ecuador Chapter, which is part of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS): Universidad Don Bosco de El Salvador, UNISAL de Brasil, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana,…

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María Sol Villagómez y P. Juan Cárdenas durante la entregan de la imagen de María Auxiliadora al vicepresidente Alfredo Borrero, UPS

Ecuador – Presidente del Ecuador...

    (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – En el coliseo del campus El Girón de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Quito, el presidente del Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, dio inicio al Plan Vacuna 9/100 que tiene como objetivo vacunar…

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