Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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O ex-aluno do UniSALESIANO, Guilherme Augusto de Moura Chaves, de 28 anos, é um exemplo de determinação e sucesso na carreira de engenharia. Formado em Engenharia Mecatrônica, em 2020, Guilherme iniciou sua trajetória profissional ainda durante o curso, quando, buscando experiência na área, candidatou-se a um estágio no Projeto Robótica, uma iniciativa do UniSALESIANO em parceria com a Prefeitura de Araçatuba.

Brasil – Guilherme Augusto de...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – O ex-aluno do UniSALESIANO, Guilherme Augusto de Moura Chaves, de 28 anos, é um exemplo de determinação e sucesso na carreira de engenharia. Formado em Engenharia Mecatrônica, em 2020, Guilherme iniciou sua trajetória profissional ainda durante…

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Participants of the Media Education Seminar series organized and coordinated by Fr. Ambrose Pereira, SDB, EAO Social Communication Coordinator, along with his team of volunteer facilitators focused on Artificial Intelligence and practical filming activities with over 60 participants from various Catholic schools and parishes in Port Moresby

PNG – Empowering Youth: Final...

  (Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) -As we wind down the month, we also conclude another program on 20 July 2024, marking the final session of the Media Education Seminar series organized and coordinated by Fr. Ambrose…

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Ahora las estudiantes de la Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, que provienen de otras ciudades o del área rural, pueden acceder a la  Residencia Universitaria a cargo de las Hermanas Misioneras Cruzadas de la Iglesia, quienes ofrecen espacios de morada seguros y cercanos al Campus Achachicala USB.

Bolivia – Ahora, gracias a...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – Ahora las estudiantes de la Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, que provienen de otras ciudades o del área rural, pueden acceder a la  Residencia Universitaria a cargo de las Hermanas Misioneras…

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The Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of the Salesian College Autonomous Siliguri celebrated its 10th Anniversary and World Photography Day on 19 August with a Photography Workshop, Short Film, Stop-Motion, and Photo Story competitions.

India – Mass Comm Dept...

  (Salesian College Siliguri) – The Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of the Salesian College Autonomous Siliguri celebrated its 10th Anniversary and World Photography Day on 19 August with a Photography Workshop, Short Film, Stop-Motion, and Photo…

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Satisfaction, gratitude, enthusiasm, planning and the future: it was under the banner of these elements that the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr Gildasio Mendes, summarized and concluded the work of the World Conference on Social Communication "Shaping Tomorrow", which took place during the last week (1-7 August 2024) at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome. An appointment that marked a watershed in the Salesian commitment to communication at the service of education and the evangelization of young people.

Italy – Conclusion of the...

  (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma) – Satisfaction, gratitude, enthusiasm, planning and the future: it was under the banner of these elements that the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr Gildasio Mendes, summarized and concluded the work of the…

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Propuesta Innovadora Para La Enseñanza De Las Matemáticas En la Fundación Universitaria Salesiana, Bogotá

Colombia – Propuesta Innovadora para...

  (Fundación Universitaria Salesiana, Bogotá) – La búsqueda de estrategias innovadoras en la enseñanza de las matemáticas es fundamental para motivar a los estudiantes y proporcionarles herramientas que fortalezcan sus competencias. En un mundo cada vez más complejo…

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Don Bosco College of Engineering in (DBCE) Fatorda Hosts Kshitij 2024: An experience of Innovation and Multidisciplinary Learning

India – DBCE Fatorda Hosts...

  (Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – The Salesian institution, Don Bosco College of Engineering in (DBCE) Fatorda, augurated the 7th Edition of the Annual Science Project Expo, Kshitij 2024, by Chief guest Professor M. K. Janarthanam,…

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El pasado viernes 14 de junio de 2024 se celebró el Primer Encuentro Virtual de las Instituciones Universitarias Salesianas de América (IUS) 2024. El encuentro contó con la participación de representantes de El Salvador, Guatemala, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brasil, Colombia, México dentro de la coordinación y planeación junto con la Universidad Mesoamericana, apoyadas por el Rector Genésio Da Silva como Animador del ámbito de Pastoral. La jornada inició con una cálida bienvenida por parte de, Daniela Eugenia Almaguer Piñón coordinadora del encuentro; posteriormente se realizó un momento de oración “Lectio Divina” creando un ambiente de espiritualidad Salesiana, dirigido por el Centro Universitario de São Paulo.

Red IUS – Primer Encuentro...

  (Red IUS) – El pasado viernes 14 de junio de 2024 se celebró el Primer Encuentro Virtual de las Instituciones Universitarias Salesianas de América (IUS) 2024. El evento tuvo como objetivo ofrecer a los jóvenes universitarios pertenecientes…

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The first edition of Ciné Don Bosco took place spectacularly on May 31, 2024, despite the inclement weather. This event successfully attracted an enthusiastic crowd of cinema enthusiasts, parents, students, and industry professionals, all gathered to support and encourage the emerging talents of the Institut Supérieur Don Bosco,

Togo – First Edition of...

  (Institut Supérieur Don Bosco, Togo) – The first edition of Ciné Don Bosco took place spectacularly on May 31, 2024, despite the inclement weather. This event successfully attracted an enthusiastic crowd of cinema enthusiasts, parents, students, and…

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Nos dias 14, 15 e 16 de junho, o Centro Universitário Salesiano UniSales esteve no ESX 2024, o maior evento de inovação do estado do Espírito Santo, realizado pelo Sebrae. Os cursos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Ciências Biológicas, Farmácia, Nutrição e as áreas de Engenharia e Tecnologias estiveram presentes apresentando diversas propostas de soluções inovadoras.

Brasil – ESX 2024: confira...

  (Centro Universitário Salesiano UniSales, Vitória) – Nos dias 14, 15 e 16 de junho, o UniSales esteve no ESX 2024, o maior evento de inovação do estado do Espírito Santo, realizado pelo Sebrae. Os cursos de Arquitetura…

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