Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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The institution, Don Bosco College Golaghat commenced its College Week 2025 with a spirited inaugural ceremony on February 3, featuring a blend of academic celebration, cultural performances, and motivational discourses. The event, graced by Shri Atul Bora, Honourable Cabinet Minister of Assam, witnessed a remarkable display of student discipline and institutional pride. Minister Bora received the Guard of Honour, hoisted the college flag, and delivered an inspiring address.

India – Journey of Learning,...

  (Don Bosco College Golaghat, Assam) – The institution, Don Bosco College Golaghat commenced its College Week 2025 with a spirited inaugural ceremony on February 3, featuring a blend of academic celebration, cultural performances, and motivational discourses. The…

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Le 31 janvier dernier, à l’occasion de la fête de Saint Jean Bosco, l’Institut Supérieur Don Bosco (ISDB) a marqué un tournant majeur dans son engagement en faveur de l’excellence académique et professionnelle. En marge des festivités, une convention de partenariat a été officiellement signée entre TV2 – Télévision Deuxième et l’ISDB, renforçant ainsi les liens entre le monde universitaire et le secteur des médias.

Togo – The Institut Supérieur...

  (Institut Supérieur Don Bosco, Togo) – On January 31, in celebration of the feast of Saint John Bosco, the Institut Supérieur Don Bosco (ISDB) marked a significant milestone in its commitment to academic and professional excellence. Alongside…

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Coches a punto para la 14ª edición del Uniraid. Patrocinados por la propia Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS), los alumnos Lorenzo de Navas y Jordi Cornadó, con el equipo 'Porsche Raid Team', y Pau Marset y Emma Gómez, como 'Golf Riders', participarán en esta nueva edición del rally estudiantil.

España – Dos equipos de...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona ) – Coches a punto para la 14ª edición del Uniraid. Patrocinados por la propia Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS), los alumnos Lorenzo de Navas y Jordi Cornadó, con el…

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Una ochentena de alumnos y alumnas de la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS) disfrutará de una beca para cursar sus estudios en 2024-2025, 8 más que el año pasado. La universidad ha incrementado un 5,5% la partida de becas 2024-2025, que asciende a un total de 191.976€.

España – La EUSS incrementa...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – Una ochentena de alumnos y alumnas de la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS) disfrutará de una beca para cursar sus estudios en 2024-2025, 8 más que el año pasado. La universidad…

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Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur, to Host Salesian Youth Movement Fest (SYMFEST) 2024-25: A Celebration of Youth Empowerment and Hope

India – Sacred Heart College,...

  (Sacred Heart College, Tirupathur) – The Salesian Youth Movement Fest (SYMFEST) 2024-25 of the South Asian Region promises to be a transformative celebration of youth empowerment, unity, and leadership. Hosted by the Salesian Province of Chennai, this…

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Este año Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS) ha celebrado la primera graduación con los primeros ingenieros del grado de Ingeniería de Automoción. En la 28ª promoción de la universidad, han sido nueve alumnos de la titulación los primeros en terminar su etapa estudiantil.

España – Crece más de...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – El número de estudiantes del grado de Ingeniería de Automoción ha aumentado un 55,26% en cuatro años. Estos son los datos de la Escuela Universitaria Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS), que acaba…

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In linea con la mission universitaria e con la tradizione e lo stile salesiano, lo IUS, grazie al finanziamento erogato dalla Fondazione Deutsche Post – Stiftung nella persona del dott. Klaus Zumwinkel, ha avviato un progetto con la finalità di sostenere economicamente e introdurre nel mondo del lavoro studenti meritevoli dello IUSVE.     In riferimento a tale progetto è indetto un bando per l’attribuzione di dieci (10) borse per la partecipazione al percorso formativo “Indagare l’invecchiamento. Paradigmi, metodologie, esperienze”

Italy – Call for Applications:...

  (Istituto Universitario Salesiano de Venezia, Italia)  – In alignment with its academic mission and Salesian tradition, IUSVE, with funding provided by the Fondazione Deutsche Post – Stiftung through Dr. Klaus Zumwinkel, has launched a project to provide financial…

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The annual gathering of young people from various oratory centers, parishes, and church units in Nagaland and Assam took place on November 3 at Salesian College, Dimapur, on the theme ‘Eucharist the way to Heaven,’ based on the Cyber Apostle, Bl. Carlo Acutis.

India – Salesian College of...

  (Salesian College of Higher Education, Dimapur) – The annual gathering of young people from various oratory centers, parishes, and church units in Nagaland and Assam took place on November 3 at Salesian College, Dimapur, on the theme…

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On October 18, 2024, the Department of Mass Media at Don Bosco College, Kurla, Mumbai, proudly hosted the Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival (DBGYFF), drawing over 1,200 attendees, including students, faculty, parents, and special guests

India – DBGYFF 2024 at...

  (Don Bosco College Kurla, Mumbai) – On October 18, 2024, the Department of Mass Media at Don Bosco College, Kurla, Mumbai, proudly hosted the Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival (DBGYFF), drawing over 1,200 attendees, including students,…

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The graduation ceremony of the first graduates of the European Master's Degree in Cinema and Audiovisual. of the Don Bosco International Media Academy (DBIMA) took place at the Les 7 Parnassiens cinema in Paris

France – DBIMA Celebrates Five...

  (Don Bosco International Media Academy, Paris)  – Five years ago the Don Bosco International Media Academy (DBIMA) was inaugurated in Paris, offering training in cinematographic and audiovisual arts. On Saturday 19 October, the first class of Master’s…

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