Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Argentina – Primera Colación de...

  (Universidad Salesiana UNISAL, Bahía Blanca)  – El viernes 22 de octubre la UNISAL celebró la primera colación de grado de su historia en un evento de gran emoción que representó también el reencuentro presencial de numerosos miembros…

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Egresados del Instituto Salesiano de Estudios Superiores “Padre Miguel Bonuccelli” (ISES) de Río Grande, Argentina celebraron en octubre el acto de colación de grado.

Argentina – First Music Teachers...

  (ISES “Padre Miguel Bonuccelli”, Río Grande) – The Salesian Institute of Higher Studies “Father Miguel Bonuccelli” , based in Río Grande, in the South Argentina Province, held its graduation ceremony last October for the delivery of diplomas…

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Egresados del Instituto Salesiano de Estudios Superiores “Padre Miguel Bonuccelli” (ISES) de Río Grande, Argentina celebraron en octubre el acto de colación de grado.

Argentina – First Music Teachers...

  (ISES “Padre Miguel Bonuccelli”, Río Grande) – The Salesian Institute of Higher Studies “Father Miguel Bonuccelli” , based in Río Grande, in the South Argentina Province, held its graduation ceremony last October for the delivery of diplomas…

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Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI), Boroko Staff Spiritual Retreat, Papua New Guinea

PNG – Don Bosco Technological...

  (Don Bosco Technological Institute, Port Moresby) – After several rescheduling dates throughout the year due to the pandemic, the Don Bosco Technological Institute, Boroko Staff Spiritual Retreat was held from the eve of 22 October to the…

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Exames de mamografia e preventivo poderão ser realizados gratuitamente na Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)

Brazil – UCDB will perform...

  (Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande) – Registration is open for women who wish to undergo free mammography and cervical cancer screening tests at the mobile unit of the Hospital do Amor, which will be at the Universidade…

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Don Bosco College Fatorda (DBCE) of Engineering alumni Shivdas Gaad and Rajat Halarnekar with invention Glusher 1.0

India – Alumni of DBCE...

  (Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – Shivdas Gaad and Rajat Halarnekar, alumni of Mechanical Department, Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) Fatorda, have successfully turned their academic project into a start-up, Jatvam Abhiyaantrix Private Limited, under…

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Graduación de la 24ª Promoción de Graduados y Graduadas de la Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS), Barcelona

España – Graduación de la...

  (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – El jueves 21 de octubre se celebró el acto de graduación de la 24ª promoción de ingenieros e ingenieras de la EUSS de las titulaciones en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial,…

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One-week Student work camp organized at Salesian College Sonada & Siliguri

India – One-week Student work...

  (Salesian College Sonada, Kolkata) – A group of 20 residential student Brothers of Salesian College Sonada had a week-long work camp at Salesian College Siliguri campus. They cleared a jungle on the Siliguri campus. . The students…

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Fin du Séminaire de Formation des Enseignants des IUS d’Afrique

Afrique – Fin du Séminaire...

  (Institut Supérieur Don Bosco, Lome) – Commencé le 11 Octobre dernier le séminaire de formation des enseignants des IUS d’Afrique a pris fin ce mercredi 13 Octobre 2021 avec une prière de clôture précédée de l’allocution du…

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