Hope, sadness, concern, uncertainty are feelings shared by the 47 intercultural students of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS) who would have been sharing laughter, books, laptops and notes, if the COVID – 19 health emergency hadn’t occurred. The students house at the Intercultural University Residence located in the south of Quito.
Out of the 47 students, 12 live in the residence, mostly because they lack of internet connection in their native home. Students come from communities of Zumbahua, Bomboiza,Esmeraldas, Salinas de Guaranda, Cayambe, Yaupi, Santo Domingo, Taisha, Simiatug and Facundo Vela, places where Salesian missions are located.
Nahomi Angulo is studying Civil Engineering from Esmeraldas, tells us that her relatives have been affected by the virus and that, although his family has taken the protective measures seriously,his neighborhood has not and it concerns him. “My sisters lost their jobs, we have no protection of any kind, there is a lot of risk here,” she mentions. However, she says with a smile that lights up her face “we are waiting for better days”.
For Wilmer Pujupat,this time has been an opportunity for spirituality, prayer and to be able to share time with his family. This future UPS psychologist, from Gualaquiza, believes that the complicated part of the situation has as its counterpart which is being able to see his father, mother and brothers, something he couldn’t do because of his studies.
If there is a face whose joy shines the screens, it is that of Carlos Collavy, student of Management and Leadership. He tells us that, in his community, San Francisco (province of Bolivar), “to get good a good connection it is necessary to climb a hill”, for this reason he decided to come to the university residence to study online. He is not so concerned about the virus but worries for the elderly and children who could get sick from low temperatures and not receive the right attention on time.
Washington Yanchaliquín says he must go to an info center to connect to his classes he also mentions many people in his area live the same situation, but he keeps his spirits high in order to finish his business administration career. Rocío Yampis also suffers from connection problems she is from Tuuutinentsa, near Taisha. The rurality of her community, as well as her family situation, has caused frustration by the arising difficulties when attending her Accounting and Auditing online classes. Her peers continue to support her as well as the Student Welfare staff which is trying to support her in her studies.
Every two weeks, UPS staff, including Silvia Gómez, Director of Student Welfare; Evelin Lima and Dr. Byron Gangotena of Human Talent Management, as well as Arturo and Rocío Murillo, in charge of the residence, keep in touch with them to know how they are to inform them about the security measures that will be taken. Soon the students will back with many stories to tell about themselves: their fighting spirit, joy and perseverance.
Móniza Ruiz – Directora Técnica de Comunicación y Cultura UPS – Quito
Quito,Ecuador, May 20 2020
Source: Salesianos Ecuador (https://salesianos.org.ec/pags/inicio.jsp)